KPCOM - Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Graduate/Professional Degree Programs 2024–2025 207 • Engage during class using the communication channels your instructor recommends. Instructors may ask that you use the icons and features available in Zoom (like the hand-raising option). Speak up directly, use the chat, answer polls, and/or participate in other interactive elements. • Pay attention and show that you are doing so. Students pay attention better if they are actively involved—ask and answer questions and offer contributions. • Have your camera turned on. Unless instructed by the instructor, it is KPCOM’s policy that students have their camera turned on and show themselves in the picture during Zoom sessions. Having the video on helps most students stay engaged and attentive. • Make eye contact. Position your Zoom window close to the webcam so that other viewers look at you directly. • Mute yourself when not speaking. Background noise is distracting for others, and even whispered conversations are picked up easily by mics. Don’t • Attend class as a side activity. Do not attend class while driving, traveling, socializing, texting, exercising, cooking, resting, etc. When you are in class, your focus should be only on classwork. • Hide your face. The value of the webcam is in seeing your face. Position your webcam so that your face is illuminated, with no lights or windows behind you. • Remain silent, unresponsive. Participate in class discussions with your classmates and with the professors. A silent classroom where the professor is only lecturing results in passive learning rather than active learning. • Ignore problems you’re having with the class, your technology, or the modality. Problems need to be addressed in a timely manner. Go to your professor’s office during office hours, see your adviser, reach out to OIIT or speak with your program director. D. Failure to Report a Violation Every member of the college community (e.g., students, administrators, and faculty employees) has the duty to file a complaint with the SPAC whenever it is felt a substantial violation of the code has occurred. Failure to report a violation of the code is itself a violation. All members of the college community have an affirmative duty to participate in the inquiry or investigative complaint process. E. Illegal, Inappropriate, and Unprofessional Behavior No student shall display disorderly conduct; public intoxication; or lewd, indecent, or obscene behavior on the campus or at any college-sponsored or college-supervised function or event. No student shall intentionally or recklessly endanger or threaten the mental or physical health or well-being of any other member of the college community or any visitor to the campus. Students who exhibit illegal, inappropriate, or unprofessional behavior will be referred to the SPAC and/or proper authorities for disciplinary action and may be subject to dismissal.