KPCOM - Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Graduate/Professional Degree Programs 2024–2025 206 A. Academic Dishonesty The college holds its students to the highest standards of intellectual integrity. Therefore, the attempt of any student to take any examination by improper means, present work that the student has not performed, aid and abet any other student in any dishonest academic act, or having direct knowledge of such without reporting it, may subject the offending student to a meeting before the Student Progress and Advising Committee (SPAC) and subsequent dismissal from the college. Students shall be afforded the opportunity for an internal and private (no nonuniversity participants) meeting with the SPAC in matters relevant to academic dishonesty. B. Attendance Each student holds the responsibility for attending classes and abiding by the specific enforcement policies regarding attendance within a course, whether the course is offered in the classroom or via a distance-learning format. This includes policies and penalties for unexcused absences and nonparticipation within the parameters of the program. If missed assignments or examinations are to be made up, they will be done at the discretion of the department chair/course director. C. Classroom Behavior Students are expected to be professional and respectful when attending classes, whether online or on campus, and abide by the code of conduct, including the student dress code. Talking during lectures or other interruptions is disturbing to others who desire to hear the lecture. The instructor may dismiss anyone from class who is involved in disruptive behavior. Class meetings held on Zoom or other virtual platforms will follow the same guidelines. It is recommended that students participate in a quiet place with a stable Internet connection. Students are expected to follow the student dress code, have their video camera turned on (unless otherwise approved by the course instructor), have an appropriate background displayed, and mute microphones when not actively speaking. Graduate students are expected to conduct themselves as professionals in every setting, including Zoom or other online settings. Attending Zoom classes or Zoom meetings should be considered the same as attending in person. The following guidelines are to assist students in making good decisions regarding virtual/computer based classes and meetings: Do • Get ready for class just as you would an in-person class. Dress and groom as you would for an in-person class, have textbooks and other materials you need for class with you and find a place where you can remain alert and focused such as near a window or lamp. • Attend class through a laptop or computer. Phones and tablets may not work very well. • Make sure your audio works. You need to hear and be heard by others. • Before class, review the plan for the day’s session. Check the syllabus and the most recent announcement or email that your professor has sent to you.