Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Graduate/Professional Degree Programs 2024–2025 193 Core Performance Standards for Admission and Progress—Graduate Degree Programs The KPCOM graduate degree programs are pledged to the admission and matriculation of qualified students. Consistent with all federal and state laws, rules, regulations, and/or local ordinances, it is the policy of Nova Southeastern University not to engage in any discrimination or harassment against any individuals and to comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination, equal opportunity, and affirmative action laws, orders, and regulations. Regarding those students with verifiable disabilities, the university and the KPCOM will not discriminate against such individuals who are otherwise qualified, but will expect applicants and students to meet certain minimal technical standards (core performance standards) as set forth herein, with or without reasonable accommodation. In adopting these standards, the administration of the university and of the KPCOM graduate degree programs believe they must keep in mind the efficacy and safety of the learning environment, as well as the ultimate safety of those clients and patients being served. Specifically, the standards reflect what the university and the KPCOM graduate programs administration believe are reasonable expectations required of future professionals in performing common functions. Honor and integrity are essential and depend on the exemplary behavior of individuals in their relations with classmates, faculty members, and colleagues. This includes accountability to oneself and to relationships with fellow students, future colleagues, and faculty members who come under the student’s care or contribute to the student’s training and growth, as well as members of the general public. This applies to personal conduct that reflects on a student’s honesty and integrity in both academic and nonacademic settings, whether or not it involves an NSU-sponsored activity. All students must have the capacity to manage their lives and anticipate their own needs. Upon accepting admission to the KPCOM and its graduate degree programs, each student subscribes to and pledges complete observance to NSU’s Student Code of Conduct Policies. A violation of these standards is an abuse of the trust placed in every student and could lead to suspension or dismissal. Students are expected to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 for graduate coursework in all programs. Failure to maintain the minimum cumulative GPA required by the program will result in academic probation for one semester. Students on academic probation must meet with their financial aid representative to determine how this status impacts their financial aid awards. Specific policies pertaining to those students—who are unable to raise their cumulative GPA at the end of the probation semester and to students whose cumulative GPA falls below for a second time—are published in the appropriate section of the KPCOM Student Handbook for each degree program.