KPCOM - Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Osteopathic Medicine Program 2024–2025 176 Suspension is included in the calculation of the time for completing all graduation requirements (150 percent of the program’s curriculum). A student on suspension may not apply for a leave of absence or administrative break in enrollment. In the preclinical years, suspension must be for at least the remainder of the academic year if the interruption to classes and laboratories will result in a student missing more than 50 percent of current courses. Upon return from suspension, an OMS1 or OMS2 student will have to repeat all uncompleted courses in their entirety during the next course offering and may not progress to the next class year of study until all such coursework is successfully completed. In the clinical years, suspension can be imposed for the remainder of the current rotation and/or future additional rotations. A suspended student will be withdrawn from all courses rotations and receive a W on the student’s transcript (see Withdrawal from a Course). Upon return from suspension, an OMS3 or OMS4 student must meet with the associate dean of Clinical Education, or designee, to determine a plan for the student’s remaining clinical rotations. If the KPCOM curriculum changes while a student is suspended, the student will be held to the new curriculum that is in place for the class the student is expected to graduate in when the student returns. If the curriculum has not changed or if the student returns to the same class as when the student left, the student will remain on the initial curriculum. D. Dismissal Dismissal is the permanent termination of a student’s academic enrollment if, in the opinion of the dean, the student has not attained the academic level and/or has deviated from the academic standards and/or standards of behavior or ethics established by the college. As with all disciplinary actions, the dean is responsible for imposing this recommendation. A student who chooses to appeal a dismissal must do so within 10 business days of the date of dismissal. While appealing a dismissal, a student may continue to attend classes and take all examinations in the usual manner. The reasons for which a student may be dismissed from the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine include, but are not limited to 1. failure of • M1 fall term—8.5 or more course credits during the MI fall term (in such cases, no opportunity for remediation will be permitted) • M1 winter/summer terms combined—11.5 or more course credits during the M1 winter/summer terms combined (in such cases, no opportunity for remediation will be permitted) • M2 year—14.0 or more course credits during the M2 fall/winter terms combined (in such cases, no opportunity for remediation will be permitted) • M1/M2 years—the second remediation examination for a course or the remediation exam for a repeated course • M3/M4 years—a total of two clinical rotations or a repeated clinical rotation