KPCOM Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Osteopathic Medicine Program 2024–2025 173 A. Warning A warning is an oral or written notification to the student that any continuation of repetitive wrongful conduct will result in additional disciplinary action. Students must adhere to both oral and written warnings. Copies of written warnings will be placed in the student’s file. B. Probation Probation is defined as a period during which a student has the opportunity to demonstrate that the student can academically redeem failing grades (academic probation) or can effectively cease behavioral misconduct (professional/behavioral probation). The length of any probation is determined by the dean in consultation with the SPC and can be any length of time up to the remainder of the student’s time in the college. If, while on probation, the student violates the terms of the student’s probation, actions may be taken up to, and including, dismissal from the college. At the end of a student’s probationary period, the SPC may make a recommendation for continued probation to the dean when • a student has unremediated failures or is otherwise not making satisfactory progress toward meeting degree requirements, or when • it is believed that a student has failed to achieve sufficient maturity of thought or professionalism 1. Academic Probation OMS1 and OMS2 Students A student shall be placed on academic probation if a failing grade has been posted on the student’s transcript (see Academic Standing). OMS1 or OMS2 students with any credit hours failed must meet with an academic adviser. Academic advising is mandatory for students who are on academic probation. OMS1 or OMS2 students with less than or equal to 3 credit hours failed in a class year of study • may maintain membership in up to two clubs—must withdraw from participation in any additional clubs OMS1 or OMS2 students who have failed more than 3 credit hours in a class year of study, in addition to the above • must resign all national, class, or club officerships • must step down from representing KPCOM in any manner (e.g., peer mentor, student ambassador) • must withdraw from all classes outside of the required KPCOM curriculum at NSU • must resign from any employment at NSU