Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Osteopathic Medicine Program 2024–2025 172 days prior to the meeting. The student will be officially excused from any academic commitment to attend this meeting. If a student does not appear before the committee at the specified time, the committee will move forward with their process without hearing from the student. • Legal representation or any other form of representation is prohibited during the meeting. • If necessary, the student will provide the chair with a list of any witnesses the student may have, in writing, no later than two business days before the meeting date. The student will be responsible for ensuring the presence of the student’s witnesses. • Any witnesses will be called in individually to be questioned and to provide any statements. Any witnesses may be asked to remain outside the meeting room for later recall. The student will not be present during the questioning of any witnesses. • The student will be given the opportunity to present a statement to the committee. The student will only be present during the student’s statement and to respond to any questions from the committee. • The chair will dismiss the student and any witnesses and close the meeting for discussion. • At the conclusion of the discussion, the committee shall make a recommendation to the dean. The various disciplinary actions that may be recommended by the SPC include—but are not limited to—warning, probation, suspension, and dismissal. • The dean will review the committee’s recommendation. The dean may either accept, modify, or overturn the recommendation. The dean may also remand the matter back to the SPC for further review. The student will then be notified of the dean’s decision by email, certified mail (return receipt requested), or personal delivery. • The recommendations of the SPC and all reports, letters, and investigative records are maintained in the files of the dean for no less than five years. This information is not part of the student’s permanent records or the student’s transcript. Academic and Behavioral Disciplinary Sanctions Students who have academic and/or behavioral disciplinary sanctions should be advised that to continue receiving financial aid they must continuously meet the criteria of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). See nova.edu/financialaid/eligibility/satisfactory-academic-progress.html to obtain information regarding SAP.