KPCOM Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Osteopathic Medicine Program 2024–2025 171 Student Progress Committee. Please note that NSU’s Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Policy prohibits the use and possession of marijuana regardless of whether a valid prescription exists. * In the event of an inconclusive or diluted test result, the student will be required to submit to an additional urine drug screen within 24 hours of the inconclusive/diluted result. Should the repeat test be inconclusive and/or diluted, the student will be placed on an administrative break in enrollment until such time as they can present a negative drug and/or alcohol screen and will be referred to the Student Progress Committee for review and possible disciplinary action. Policies and Procedures for Alleged Violations of the Code of Behavioral Conduct A. Alleged Violations and Complaints Only department chairs, course directors, or members of the administration of the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM) may file a written complaint with the chair of the Student Progress Committee (SPC) setting forth specific violations. The SPC shall have nonexclusive authority to investigate and evaluate all alleged student violations of misconduct, whether academic, moral, professional, or ethical; in addition to the following: • Nothing shall limit the right of KPCOM to immediately remove a student from the college who has been accused of a violent act or threat or any act that constitutes a violation of state, local, or federal criminal law subject to further proceedings consistent with these rules. A student who has been removed from the college may not return until given written permission by the dean. • Nothing should prevent KPCOM from taking action deemed necessary, including removing a matter from the committee’s consideration, whenever, in the dean’s judgment, such action may prevent harm to the health, safety, and welfare of any individual; to school property; or to the integrity of the educational process. • Nothing shall limit the right of KPCOM or any of its representatives or students to file a report with any law enforcement or civil agency. B. Student Progress Committee Meeting Protocols and Process Proceedings to determine whether a student has violated a regulation, policy, behavior, or academic code of the college shall conform to the following protocols and process: • When informed of an alleged violation, the chair of the SPC will conduct a preliminary investigation. • The chair will then call a meeting of the committee and will notify the student. The student shall receive written notice via NSU email of the time, place, and subject of the meeting, at least two