KPCOM Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Osteopathic Medicine Program 2024–2025 161 Absent extenuating, unforeseeable circumstances, to be determined by the dean, late arrivals to an examination will result in a maximum grade of 70 on the makeup examination. Makeup examinations for all M1 and M2 courses will be scheduled at the discretion of the Office of Preclinical Education. The format of a makeup examination may differ from the format of the originally scheduled examination. b. Absence from an Examination When an examination is missed, it is the responsibility of the student to contact the Office of Preclinical Education ( and the course director within 24 hours of the missed examination. The student must supply the Office of Preclinical Education with written documentation for the reason the examination was missed. The Office of Preclinical Education will contact the student and, if the student is an M3 or M4 student, the Office of Clinical Education will notify the appropriate course director(s) involved as to whether the absence is excused or unexcused. The following are considered excused absences for examinations: a. d eath and funeral in the immediate family (spouse, partner, parent, grandparent, in-law, sibling, child, aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew) b. p ersonal illness, only when diagnosed and documented in writing by the physician who evaluated and treated the student at the time of the absence c. K PCOM-sanctioned travel or function, documented no less than two weeks in advance (only for required attendance at meetings/conferences or presenting research under certain circumstances) d. university-approved religious holidays e. other extenuating circumstances, which must be approved by the assistant dean of Preclinical Education, with the appropriate documentation for the reason ALL excused absence documentation must be approved by the assistant dean of Preclinical Education. Students with an excused absence will be offered a makeup examination and will receive their earned grade. A student with an unexcused absence will be offered a makeup examination and will receive a maximum grade of 70 on that examination. Makeup examinations for all M1 and M2 courses will be scheduled at the discretion of the Office of Preclinical Education. Students will be notified by the Office of Preclinical Education of the time, date, and location of the makeup examination. Eligible students are to make themselves available at the scheduled date and time of the makeup examination. If the student misses the makeup examination, the student will receive a zero for that examination. The format of a makeup examination may differ from the format of the originally scheduled examination. 4. Emergencies During Examinations Should an emergency (e.g., fire alarm, active shooter) occur during an examination that impacts students’ ability to continue the exam, those students who are impacted are to follow NSU’s emergency procedures. They must close the electronic exam or turn in the paper exam and evacuate the building or shelter in place