KPCOM - Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Osteopathic Medicine Program 2024–2025 159 F. Examinations 1. In-Person Test Day Procedures Students are expected to arrive 15 minutes prior to the scheduled examination start time. Students reporting after the scheduled examination start time and/or not in dress code attire as noted above will not be allowed to sit for the exam and will be required to take a makeup examination. (See the Makeup Examinations section in this handbook.) Once seated, students may not leave their seat prior to the start of the examination, unless accompanied by a proctor. During the examination, students may not leave their seat without permission from a proctor. Any student needing to go to the restroom, during an examination, will be escorted by a proctor. This proctor will ask the student to demonstrate that all pockets are empty prior to entering the restroom. The proctor will accompany the student into the restroom area and will assign the student to a restroom stall. The proctor will wait for the student in the restroom and will accompany the student back to the classroom. Once the examination starts, the student will receive the score earned whether or not the examination is completed, unless the examination is halted due to an announced emergency in the classroom or building (e.g., fire alarm, active shooter, etc.). A student may leave the classroom upon completion of the examination. During any examination, a student will not be permitted access to any outside information including, but not limited to, any text, notes, or other non-approved materials—electronic or otherwise—including cell phones and wristwatches, and may not communicate in any manner with anyone, inside or outside of the examination area, except the proctors or faculty members present. Non-approved materials are any materials for which the student has not received prior permission from the course director or chief proctor to use during an examination. Students may not bring pens or pencils into any examination. If needed, pens and pencils will be provided by the proctors. All examinations have a time limit. Students are not permitted to memorialize examination questions in any form for distribution to others. Any violation of this policy will be considered academic dishonesty and the student will be subject to referral to the SPC. a. Electronically Administered Examinations When an examination is administered electronically, students are required to arrive with their testing device appropriately configured to take the exam and fully charged. It is also recommended that students download the examination prior to the day of the exam. Students arriving without their testing device, or with a testing device that is not correctly configured, will be assigned an unexcused absence and will not be allowed to sit for the examination at that time.