KPCOM - Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Osteopathic Medicine Program 2024–2025 154 D. Behavior 1. Classroom Behavior An instructor may dismiss anyone from class who is involved in disruptive behavior. The offending student will be referred to the SPC. In extenuating circumstances, and only upon approval of the Office of Student Affairs, a mother of a nursing infant may be allowed to bring the infant to didactic classes only. The student and infant must sit in the audiovisual room and not disturb the class. 2. Student Behavior on Clinical Rotations KPCOM arranges for clinical training opportunities for the medical students in a variety of health care settings. Students are to consider themselves guests at all clinical training sites and should conduct themselves as courteous, responsible medical professionals at all times. The student on a rotation service will be responsible to the personnel in charge of the unit involved. In addition, all students will be expected to comply with the general rules and medical ethics established by KPCOM, as well as the hospital, clinic, or facility at which they are being trained. Students must act professionally, ethically, and respectfully towards all health care personnel with whom they come in contact. The preceptor has the authority to dismiss a student from the rotation for violations of the student code of conduct, policies, or procedures, causing threats to patient, public health, or safety, or as deemed appropriate for the continued operation of the clinical site. Dismissal will constitute a failed or incomplete rotation, and at a minimum, the rotation must be repeated (determined by the SPC). Any problems affecting students that are not easily or adequately resolved by the student at the site should be reported to the associate dean of Clinical Education. 3. Student Involvement on Clinical Rotations A KPCOM medical student is not a licensed physician and, therefore, is not legally or ethically permitted to independently practice medicine, either through direct patient contact or through any form of telemedicine. A student may assist in the care of a patient, but only under the direct supervision of a licensed physician. The attending physician is responsible for the medical care of the patient and for the content and countersigning of all orders, progress notes, and other notes written or entered into a computer by the student. A student may not administer therapy, except under the direct supervision of a licensed physician to whom the student has been formally assigned. Students who exhibit a disregard for patient safety or engage in patient care outside of the direct supervision of their assigned licensed physician will be referred to the SPC and/or proper authorities for disciplinary action and may be subject to dismissal. 4. Title and Salutations Students are referred to as “student doctor ______” in clinical settings. If a student holds a doctorate in any field, the student may not use this title while in any clinical rotation setting.