KPCOM - Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Osteopathic Medicine Program 2024–2025 150 c. KPCOM-sanctioned travel or function for required attendance at meetings/conferences or presenting research under certain circumstances, documented no less than two weeks in advance d. other extenuating circumstances, which must be approved by the Office of Preclinical Education, with the appropriate documentation for the reason ALL absence documentation must be approved by the Office of Preclinical Education. The appointed administrators will keep track of unexcused absences for Outside of Class Mandatory Events. An unexcused absence from any mandatory event may result in disciplinary action. 2. For M3 and M4 Rotations While on clinical rotations, students are expected to be in attendance and ready to learn at all times, as scheduled by the hospital and preceptor, including all orientation sessions or other sessions scheduled by the core site. A schedule of the site’s educational programs may be obtained from the core site’s clinical assistant dean. Students are responsible for reaching out to the clinical assistant dean, or designee, prior to the beginning of a rotation for this schedule, and throughout the duration of the rotation, to ensure all scheduled obligations are met. Failure to meet all scheduled obligations, including, but not limited to, onboarding requirements, without approval from the Office of Clinical Education may result in the student being referred to the SPC for disciplinary action, up to, and including, dismissal. Students must attend clinical site conferences, meetings, lectures, and other educational programs as directed by their preceptor or clinical assistant dean, or KPCOM administration. Absences from education, either from patient care or educational programming, must be approved by the clinical assistant dean for core rotations and by the supervising preceptor. Students must also notify the Office of Clinical Education by emailing their assigned coordinator when absences are allowed and/or when students are exempted from any educational program at their site. Students are not automatically allowed time off for any reason. The Office of Clinical Education, the site preceptor, and the clinical assistant dean will monitor all absences. Time spent away from the rotation site during regular duty hours for lectures, conferences, and other programs conducted at outside hospitals or universities must be approved, in advance, by the supervising physician of the rotation site. a. Absence from Rotation 1. Total Allowable Absences per Rotation Students are expected to attend all assigned days of a clinical rotation. A student may miss up to two days of one four-week block of a given rotation. A student may miss one day of half rotations or two-week block rotations (pertains to M4 electives only). Students must request approval of any absence from their preceptor and the KPCOM Office of Clinical Education by emailing their assigned coordinator. Students must be able to provide supporting documents (i.e., confirmation of scheduled board examinations) for absences when necessary.