KPCOM Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Osteopathic Medicine Program 2024–2025 141 G. Academic Deficiencies 1. Course Examination Failures OMS1 or OMS2 students are notified of examination failures through the electronic posting of grades. Students are encouraged to reach out to the course director, academic adviser(s), and/or the Department of Medical Education for guidance and learning support. 2. Course Failures OMS1 or OMS2 students, who earn a failing grade in any course by not meeting course requirements stated in the course syllabus, will be notified that they are no longer in good academic standing (see section on Academic Standing) and have been placed on academic probation (see section on Academic Probation). Students are encouraged to reach out to the appropriate course director. Students are required to reach out to the Department of Medical Education for guidance and learning support. Academic advising is mandatory for students who have failed a course. Students who fail to adhere to this policy will be referred to the Student Progress Committee for further action. 3. Eligibility for Remediation OMS1 and OMS2 students, who earn a failing grade in any course by not meeting course requirements stated in the course syllabus, will be provided with an opportunity, if eligible, to remediate the course. The student will be contacted by the Office of Preclinical Education with the specific details regarding the date and time of the remediation examinations. Students who miss a remediation examination will not be offered a makeup examination and will receive a grade of zero for the examination. The student should contact the appropriate course director with any questions the student may have regarding course materials. M1 Course Year of Study M1 Fall Semester Failure of 6.5 Credit Hours or less (24 percent of Credit Hours or less) A student who fails 6.5 or less credit hours in the M1 fall semester will be provided with an opportunity to remediate each failed course (see Course Remediation under Course Reexamination, Remediation, and Retakes section in this handbook). Failure of 7 to 8 Credit Hours (More than 24 percent but less than 30 percent of Credit Hours) A student who fails 7 credit hours, but no more than 8 credit hours, in the M1 fall semester will not be permitted to remediate any of the failed courses. The student must repeat the course(s) failed at the next course offering. The student will not be permitted to take courses in the M1 winter or summer semesters until successfully completing all repeated courses.