KPCOM Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Osteopathic Medicine Program 2024–2025 135 E. Clinical Education 1. Clinical Rotations/Core Clinical Campus Clinical rotations will begin on the Monday four weeks prior to the end of the Summer Term for the OMS3 students, and typically the first Monday of June for the OMS4 students. OMS3 students are assigned to a core clinical campus where the majority of their required core clinical work will be performed. Students are also assigned their clinical rotation schedule. Students are not permitted to change any core clinical rotation. If students fail to follow this policy or call the clinical site in an attempt to change their core rotation assignment, the student will be referred to the KPCOM Student Progress Committee and a disciplinary action may be taken, up to, and including, dismissal from the college. 2. Core Campus Site/Clinical Training Site Selection Process Clinical Rotation Track Day On this day, a majority of the clinical assistant deans (CADs) at the KPCOM clinical training sites make presentations to inform students about each of the core training sites. It is mandatory that all OMS2 students attend the presentations. All are encouraged to interact with the CADs and/or site representatives informally, immediately after the conclusion of the presentations to ask more impromptu and personal questions. January—After Clinical Rotation Track Day OMS2 students will receive a clinical rotation ranking list reflective of all core rotation sites and the number of students the site will accept for the coming academic year. Students are to rank all sites in numeric order based on personal preference and input their rank order into the electronic lottery system by the established deadline. Early February—Preference List Processed Students are assigned rotation sites, based on their preference lists, in numerical order based on a computer-based random number generator. First, second, third choices, etc., are assigned until all available spots at all available hospitals have been taken. Swap Week For one week following the rotation selection process, the students will be allowed to swap core campus assignments with another willing classmate, allowing students who are not satisfied with their core rotation site to trade with another classmate who is willing to change spots. Students are not permitted to offer or receive any form of compensation to swap core rotation assignments with any other students. The Office of Clinical Education must be notified of all swaps.