Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Osteopathic Medicine Program 2024–2025 132 • earn a Standard Score of 80 or above on the first or second attempt on the COMAT end-ofdiscipline examination • complete all assigned Canvas modules no later than 15 days after end of rotation • complete and submit to the Office of Clinical Education an electronic Student Evaluation of Clinical Rotation Form no later than 15 days after end of rotation • complete and submit to the Office of Clinical Education a case log, with the exception of research rotations, no later than 15 days after end of rotation • have a case evaluation form submitted by the preceptor • attend the rotation for the required number of days To receive a grade of Failure (F) on a rotation, only one of the following must apply to the student: • earn an average score lower than 2.5 on at least one competency • earn a standard score of 79, or lower, on the second attempt on the COMAT end-of-discipline examination • fail to complete all assigned Canvas modules within 15 days of the end of rotation • fail to complete and submit an electronic Student Evaluation of Clinical Rotation Form within 15 days of the end of rotation • fail to complete and submit a case log, with the exception of research rotations, within 15 days of the end of rotation • demonstrate behavior inappropriate for the student’s present level of training • not have a case evaluation form submitted • not be in attendance on the rotation for the required number of days • be dismissed from the rotation by the preceptor or rotation site for any cause An IP grade is assigned prior to final determination of the course for students who have not yet completed all rotation components. All rotation evaluations are made available electronically and students are responsible for reviewing their evaluations promptly. All appeals or requests for changes to the text of the evaluation comments must be initiated by the student within 10 days from the posting of the evaluation. 7. Clinical Rotation Reporting on Transcript All core rotation grades will appear on the student’s transcript with the final grade earned (i.e., PH/P/F). 8. Course Completion and Promotion A student must satisfactorily complete all courses required in the preceding class year of study in order to progress to the next class year and be considered making satisfactory academic progress. A class