Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Osteopathic Medicine Program 2024–2025 131 b. Grades and Grade Requirements The following grades may be used for a clinical rotation: • Pass with honors (PH) • Pass (P) • In Progress (IP) • Fail (F) • Withdrawal (W) • Withdrawal Passing (WP) • Withdrawal Failing (WF) Rotations are graded on a Pass/Fail/Pass with Honors basis. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule a debriefing with the rotation preceptor during the final 3 days of the rotation. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that a completed Preceptor Evaluation of Student Form is submitted to the Office of Clinical Education within 30 days of completion of the rotation. When a failing grade F is recorded, the associate dean of Clinical Education will notify both the student and the SPC. To achieve a grade of Pass with Honors (PH) on a rotation, the student must achieve all of the following: • earn a standard score of 111 or above on the first attempt on the NBOME Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Achievement Test (COMAT) end-of-discipline examination, if required (a grade of PH cannot be achieved if a student misses an assigned exam) • earn an average score of 4.5, or higher, in each competency that was assessed on the Preceptor Evaluation of Student Form • complete all assigned Canvas module(s) before the end of the rotation • complete and submit to the Office of Clinical Education an electronic Student Evaluation of Clinical Rotation Form before the end of the rotation • complete and submit to the Office of Clinical Education a case log, with the exception of research rotations, before the end of the rotation • have a case evaluation form submitted by the preceptor, if required • attend the rotation for the required number of days To achieve a grade of Pass (P) on a rotation, the student must achieve all of the following: • earn an average score of 2.5, or higher, in each competency that was assessed on the Preceptor Evaluation of Student Form