KPCOM - Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Osteopathic Medicine Program 2024–2025 124 b. Not in Good Academic Standing As soon as a student receives a failing grade in one or more academic courses, the student will no longer be considered in good academic standing and will be placed on academic probation (see the Academic Probation section in this handbook for terms and restrictions). This change in status occurs on the issuance of a final course grade and prior to any remediation/retake opportunity. Upon notification of a failing course grade, students must reach out to the Department of Medical Education to meet with an academic adviser. Academic advising is mandatory for students who are not in good academic standing. Students who fail to adhere to this policy will be referred to the Student Progress Committee for further action. The student will maintain this status until the student has successfully remediated the course, if eligible, or has retaken and passed the course(s) in its/their entirety, or has passed the remediation of the repeated course(s), if eligible. Once the student has successfully addressed all academic deficiencies, the student is removed from academic probation and returned to good academic standing. 2. M3 and M4 Course Years of Study, Predoctoral Osteopathic Principles and Practice and Research Fellowships a. Good Academic Standing A student is considered in good academic standing when the student has completed and passed all required rotations and board examinations to date. b. Not in Good Academic Standing/Poor Academic Standing Students who fail one rotation or fail a COMLEX board examination will automatically lose their good academic standing and be placed on academic probation (see Academic Probation in this handbook for terms and restrictions). Upon notification of a failing rotation grade or COMLEX board examination, students must reach out to the Department of Medical Education to meet with an academic adviser. Academic advising is mandatory for students who are not in good academic standing. Students who fail to adhere to this policy will be referred to the Student Progress Committee for further action. Due to the complex scheduling involved in clinical rotations and COMLEX board examinations, students who have failed one clinical rotation in the M3 and M4 years will be allowed to continue with clinical rotations and will be allowed to take board examinations. Students not in good academic standing, due to having failed more than one rotation, will be referred to the Student Progress Committee (see Dismissal). Once the student has regained good academic standing, the student is removed from academic probation and returned to good academic standing.