KPCOM Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Osteopathic Medicine Program 2024–2025 129 will be scheduled through the Office of Preclinical Education. Remediation examinations for nondidactic courses (lab-based, practical portions of courses, etc.) will be scheduled by the course director in coordination with the Office of Preclinical Education. M1 Fall Semester Courses Taken for the First Time Students who are eligible to remediate courses taken for the first time will be scheduled for remediation examinations after fall courses have ended, at a date and time specified by the Office of Preclinical Education. Students will be allowed up to two remediation attempts per course. Only students who have successfully remediated all failed M1 fall courses will continue into the M1 winter curriculum. Students who are not successful on the second remediation attempt for a course will be subject to dismissal from the KPCOM. Repeated Courses Students who fail one or more repeated courses will be scheduled for remediation examinations after fall courses have ended, at a date and time specified by the Office of Preclinical Education. Students will be allowed one remediation attempt per repeated course. Students who are not successful on the remediation attempt of a repeated course will be subject to dismissal from the KPCOM. M1 Winter/Summer Semesters Courses Taken for the First Time Students who are eligible to remediate courses taken for the first time will be scheduled for remediation examinations at a date and time specified by the Office of Preclinical Education. Students will be allowed up to two remediation attempts per course prior to the start of the M2 course year of study. Students who successfully remediate all courses, during either their first or second remediation attempt, will continue with their curriculum. Students who are not successful on one or more second remediation attempts will be subject to dismissal from the KPCOM. Repeated Courses Students who fail one or more repeated courses will be scheduled for remediation examinations, at a date and time specified by the Office of Preclinical Education. Students will be allowed one remediation attempt per repeated course prior to the start of the M2 course year of study.