KPCOM Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM) 2024–2025 100 Eric Goldsmith, D.O. Associate Dean of Clinical Education FL/DC Room 1455/Ext. 21499 • The associate dean of Clinical Education is responsible for the administration of third- and fourth-year clinical rotations and all relationships with the KPCOM’s clinical assistant deans and training hospitals. Delia Harper-Celestine, Ed.D., M.P.H. Associate Dean of Student Affairs FL/DC Room 1485/Ext. 21544 • The associate dean of Student Affairs is responsible for all nonacademic student services, including working with student activities and events. Margaret Wilkinson, Ph.D. Associate Dean of Preclinical Education—Tampa Bay Regional Campus FL/DC Suite 1493/Ext. 21562 • The associate dean of Preclinical Education is responsible for assisting in the supervision and coordination of the osteopathic academic program, with primary emphasis on the preclinical years. Steven B. Zucker, D.M.D., M.Ed. Associate Dean of Community Affairs and Area Health Education Center FL/DC Room 1579/Ext. 21579 • The associate dean of Community Affairs and Area Health Education Center maintains liaison with community health centers and other universities and colleges. He also serves as director of the Area Health Education Center (AHEC) program. Noel Alonso, M.D. Assistant Dean of Clinical Education FL/DC Room 1421/Ext. 21449 • The assistant dean of Clinical Education is responsible for assisting the associate dean with the administration of third- and fourth-year clinical rotations and all relationships with the KPCOM’s clinical assistant deans and training hospitals. Paula Anderson, D.O., M.P.H. Assistant Dean of Faculty and Alumni Affairs FL/DC Room 1453/Ext. 21463 • The assistant dean of Faculty and Alumni Affairs serves as the ombudsman between all KPCOM faculty members and administrative staff and represents the college to its graduates.