HPD Catalog 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine—Medical Education Program 71 I t is the applicant’s responsibility to have this coursework evaluated. An official course-by-course evaluation with a cumulative grade point average must be sent directly from the evaluation service to Nova Southeastern University Enrollment Processing Services. • submit a curriculum vitae (CV)/résumé • p rovide one letter of recommendation from a professional reference All application materials should be sent to • Nova Southeastern University Enrollment Processing Services Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine Medical Education Admissions 3300 S. University Drive, PO Box 299000 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328-2004 Upon receipt of the completed application and required materials, the Admissions Committee will review the applicant’s file and make recommendations to the program director. The director submits recommendations for admission to the dean. The final decision on admission is made by the dean of the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine. Should you have any questions, please email kw242@nova.edu or call (954) 262-1650. Nondegree-Seeking Students A nondegree-seeking student is one who wishes to take courses in the Master of Science in Medical Education program, but does not intend to pursue the master’s degree at the time of application. The nondegree-seeking student must provide the following admissions requirements in order to take classes in the Master of Science in Medical Education program: • a completed online application form • o fficial transcripts of all undergraduate, graduate, and professional education • a nonrefundable application fee of $50 Nondegree-seeking students are not guaranteed future acceptance into the Master of Science in Medical Education program. If, after taking classes in the program as nondegreeseeking students, they wish to become degree seeking students, they must apply to the M.S. program as new students and meet all the requirements for admission. If accepted into the degree program, courses or credits that were taken as a nondegree-seeking student will be automatically applied toward the degree. Nondegree-seeking students can enroll in a maximum of six courses or 18 credit hours. Admissions Requirements • T he applicant must hold a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree from a regionally accredited college or university. • A cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or above on a 4.0 scale, is preferred. • H ealth care- and/or education-related experience is desirable, but not required. • A pplicants enrolled in multiple fields of study within Nova Southeastern University must be in good academic standing with their primary program and meet all the M.S. in Medical Education admissions requirements. • A ll application materials must be received in a timely manner to enable the Office of Admissions and the admissions committee to process the application promptly. • T he applicant must participate in an interview, if one is offered. Once the application is complete, the Committee on Admissions will decide whether the application is competitive and warrants an invitation for a personal interview. Interviews are conducted by faculty members and are by invitation only. An invitation to interview is not a guarantee of admission. Once a decision has been made, notification is sent via email to the address on file. Application Procedures The Office of Admissions processes applications on a yearround basis. Students are admitted to begin studies during the fall, winter, or summer semesters. To be considered for admission, all applicants must • submit a completed online application with a nonrefundable application fee of $50 (All applicants must include a written statement that demonstrates their abilities to express themselves in writing with this application.) • s ubmit official transcripts of undergraduate, graduate, and professional education It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that arrangements are made for all transcripts to be sent. A final transcript of all the applicant’s work up to the time of matriculation must be forwarded to the Office of Admissions prior to matriculation. C oursework taken at foreign institutions must be evaluated for U.S. institution equivalence by an approved National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) organization, such as one of the services listed: • World Education Services, Inc. • Josef Silny & Associates, Inc., International Education Consultants • Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc.