NSU HPD Catalog 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine—M.B.S. Program 611 NSU MD Departments M.B.S. Program CLINICAL SCIENCES Interim Chair and Professor: V. Rajput | Professors: M. McKenney, J.W. Vieweg | Associate Professor: R. DeLeon | Affiliate Professors: C. Alvarez Villalba, J. Cohen, J. Gascon, T. Genuit, J. Pico, M. Renda, S. Shaif, D. Straker MEDICAL EDUCATION Chair and Professor: V. Rajput | Professors: R. Bonfil, V. Cimmino, K. L. Davis, H. A. Feldman, B. C. Jones, W. J. Keller, A. T. Mariassy, H. N. Mayrovitz, M. Parker, C. Powell, D. Pritchett, C. Purvis, K. Reynolds, V. V. Venkatachalam, R. K. Yip, Y. Zagvazdin | Associate Professors: R. Al-Ani, G. Al-Eyd, M. Armas, K. Bauckman, J. Cervantes, A. Chase, S. W. Ely, D. Griffin, V. Johnson, A. Levy, S. Marcus, M. Padilla, J. Paprota, G. Schwartz, M. Shjoa, S. Sholiton | Assistant Professors: T. Al-Khayat, M. Armas, A. Baruch, K. Carnevale, S. Carter, S. B. Collingwood, J. Costin, B. Courchia, G. Dauer, M. Demory Beckler, L. Fine, A. Giczkowski, B. Hong, A. Laloo, A. Mashukova, S. Prasad, R. Rodriguez-Millan, R. Smith, Y. Soler, R. Sperling, C. A. Tolchinsky, A. Torres POPULATION HEALTH SCIENCES Professor and Chair: J. Jacko | Professors: P. Hardigan, D. Mash, F. Sainfort | Assistant Professor: V. Beljanksi PHS 5500—Physiology This course provides students with an understanding of the physical, chemical, and biological factors and processes responsible for the development, progression, and procreation of life. The course is presented from an organ systems approach. The areas covered include basic cellular physiology, muscle physiology, the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, the renal system, the respiratory system, the gastrointestinal system, and the endocrine system. The mechanisms of physiological and pathological processes and conditions relevant to medicine are also discussed. (3 credits) PTH 5600—Molecular Mechanisms of Disease This course provides a foundation in the understanding of the fundamental molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying defined diseases, one of the key goals of contemporary medicine. General areas covered include introduction to basic laboratory techniques and animal models used to understand the molecular basis of selected diseases in humans; communication of biomedical research in scientific journals; basic and translational research in areas of cancer; genetic and metabolic disorders; infectious diseases; and cognitive, neuromuscular junction, and vision disorders. Prerequisites: BCH 5735, MIC 5727, PHS 5500 (3 credits)