Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine—M.D. Program 597 Aerospace Medicine—Away MDCV 9637 (A–I)—Aerospace Medicine Away Elective Allergy and Immunology—Away MDCL 9522 (A–I)—Allergy and Immunology Away Elective Anesthesiology—Away MDCA 9500 (A–I)—Anesthesiology Away Elective MDCA 9523 (A–I)—Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine Away Elective MDCA 9524 (A–I)—Anesthesiology Hospice and Palliative Medicine Away Elective MDCA 9525 (A–I)—Anesthesiology Neurocritical Care Away Elective MDCA 9526 (A–I)—Anesthesiology Pain Medicine Away Elective MDCA 9527 (A–I)—Pediatric Anesthesiology Away Elective MDCA 9528 (A–I)—Anesthesiology Sleep Medicine Away Elective MDCA 9681 (A–I)—Adult Cardiac Anesthesiology Away Elective Clinical Biochemical Genetics—Away MDCT 9570 (A–I)—Clinical Biochemical Genetics Away Elective MDCT 9573 (A–I)—Medical Biochemical Genetics Away Elective Clinical Genetics and Genomics—Away MDCT 9571 (A–I)—Clinical Genetics and Genomics Away Elective Colon and Rectal Surgery—Away MDCC 9529 (A–I)—Colon and Rectal Surgery Away Elective Dermatology—Away MDCD 9501 (A–I)—Dermatology Away Elective MDCD 9530 (A–I)—Dermatology Dermatopathology Away Elective MDCD 9531 (A–I)—Micrographic Dermatologic Surgery Away Elective MDCD 9532 (A–I)—Pediatric Dermatology Away Elective Diagnostic Radiology—Away MDCR 9661 (A–I)—Diagnostic Radiology Away Elective MDCR 9666 (A–I)—Neuroradiology Away Elective MDCR 9667 (A–I)—Nuclear Radiology Away Elective MDCR 9668 (A–I)—Radiology Pain Medicine Away Elective MDCR 9669 (A–I)—Pediatric Radiology Away Elective Away Electives The extramural (away) electives offered in the courses listed are designed to provide students with opportunities for career exploration and to ensure they are well prepared to face the next challenge: residency internship. The electives will allow students to practice a wide variety of hands-on skills in various settings. As M4 students, they will engage in patient care and management under the supervision of faculty members and/or residents at the away rotation institution. Clinical activities may include, but are not limited to, patient interviewing and examination; clinical reasoning; placing orders; performing procedures; interpreting lab and imaging studies; navigating the electronic health record; and communicating with patients, families, and other health care providers.