NSU HPD Catalog 2024-2025

492 College of Dental Medicine CDM 2030—Periodontology II Review of normal structures: anatomic and histologic. The earliest gingival inflammatory lesion: clinical signs and symptoms. Gingivitis: clinical features, underlying etiology, microbial shifts, and diagnosis and rationale for treatment. Clinical, microbiologic, and histologic alterations in response to local irritants, host responses, inflammation and loss of attachment. The gingival and periodontal abscess, the gingival lesion in AIDS, necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, and herpetic gingivostomatitis. (1 credit) CDM 2160—Periodontology III This course discusses etiology, histopathology, and treatment of various periodontal lesions; phase I nonsurgical periodontal treatment planning; and options available for the treatment of periodontitis; reevaluation of periodontal treatment; and interdisciplinary considerations following periodontal therapy as part of the periodontal treatment plan. The course introduces the students to treatment to health, initial periodontal therapy for periodontal maintenance, prophylaxis, and scaling and root planning procedures, while emphasizing the need for supportive periodontal therapy and patient compliance. New paradigms of periodontal treatment modalities are introduced. (1 credit) CDM 2185—Introductory Course in Periodontology for IDGs This course is a review for international dental graduates in periodontal instrumentation, techniques, and management of patient oral hygiene. Additionally, the course includes training in protection of health care records (HIPAA) and training in occupational safety (OSHA). (1 credit) CDM 2501—Clinical Periodontology The purpose of this course is to introduce the course participant to the concepts of clinical periodontics involving diagnostic procedures and execution of treatment for patients on prophylaxis recalls (Type I cases—gingivitis). (3 credits) CDM 3030—Periodontology IV This course discusses etiology, histopathology, and treatment of periodontitis; phase II surgical periodontal treatment planning; and options available for the treatment of periodontitis. Indications and modalities of periodontal surgery including, but not limited to, treatment of furcations, osseous surgery, mucogingival surgery, regenerative techniques, wound healing, use of antibiotics in periodontal therapy, and periodontal medicine are also presented. (1 credit) CDM 3501—Clinical Periodontology V The purpose of this D3 year in periodontics is to provide students with the basic knowledge and clinical experience to recognize and treat periodontal disease and develop a process for formulating a properly sequenced and effective periodontal treatment plan. Students perform periodontal therapies and integrate periodontal therapy within a comprehensive plan of care. (4 credits) CDM 4501—Clinical Periodontology VII The purpose of this year in periodontics is to provide students with the basic knowledge and clinical experience to recognize and treat periodontal disease of the hard and soft tissues and develop a process for formulating a properly sequenced and effective periodontal treatment plan. In addition, students will be exposed to protocols related to implant placement and restoration in harmony with the maintenance of a healthy periodontium. (4 credits) CDM 402H—Honors Program in Periodontics This course provides predoctoral students with the opportunity of assisting and performing periodontal surgical procedures. The objectives of the course are to help students to understand surgical anatomy related to periodontal surgery and principles of periodontal surgery, and to understand indications and sequencing of different modalities of periodontal surgical procedures. In addition, students will perform periodontal surgery including crown lengthening, gingivectomy/ gingivoplasty and frenectomy. (3 credits) CDM 3003—Elective in Advanced Periodontics The purpose of this D3 clinical course is to provide students with experiences in the discipline of periodontics. Students will apply the didactic and clinical knowledge gained from previous courses to enhance their clinical experience and their exposure to higher-level specialty education. Third-year students will develop the essential skills necessary to provide direct patient care, including patient assessment, diagnosis, treatment planning, and exposure to a variety of different surgical procedures assisting a perio resident and/or faculty member. The experiences in this course will be complemented by the participation in other advanced education elective courses, collaborating with other specialties in dentistry. (1 credit) Department of Prosthodontics—Chair and Professor: A. Bendayan | Postgraduate Director and Assistant Professor: N. Joshi | Professor: J. Antonelli, J. Thompson | Associate Professors: N. Bittner, R. Castellon, E. Choi, D. Feit, S. Garcia, A. Godoy, J. Marvin, M. Schneider | Assistant Professors: N. Coerezza, A. Despaigne, R. Dobrin, D. Feit, M. Golberg, M. Guerrero, C. J. Hsu, E. Lara, R. Lichtman, L. Mosquera, O. Nieves, A. Pagani, A. Pereira, J. Piermatti | Adjunct Faculty Members: L. Ahmadian, R. Almasri, J. Banos, R. Binns, M. Blum, M. Cardona, A. Chacin, G. Coelho, K. Dellacasas, E. Esquivel, J. Friefeld, J. Gartner, L. Gonzalez S. Gordon, A. Haliczer, M. Hervas, M. Malo, M. Maroun, S. Millhauser, F. Perez, D. Radu, M. Radu, S. Resnick, M. Richards, G. Rodriguez, D. Rolfe, M. Romer, D. Roy, S. C. Siegel, D. Skopp, A. Slootsky, Z. Staller, B. Tandy, D. Uzacategui, D. Vafiadis, J. D. Wessel, M. Zaman