NSU HPD Catalog 2024-2025

College of Dental Medicine 491 CDM 2081—Introduction to Pediatric Dentistry This course is a primer on the diagnosis and treatment planning of primary and mixed dentition patients. Emphasis will be placed on dental disease, etiology, and prevention, recognition and management of disorders common in childhood. This course prepares students for the second semester didactic and laboratory experience in pediatric dentistry. (2 credits) CDM 2180—Pediatric Dentistry Lecture Provides the student with an overview of “normalcy” as well as the most common disorders and conditions in children. Diagnosis and treatment planning of pediatric patients with primary, transitional, and permanent dentitions are emphasized. This includes behavior management techniques, the development and morphology of the dentition, oral surgery and oral pathology, restorative and preventive procedures and materials, pulpal and periodontal therapy, traumatic injuries, space management, and oral habits. This course prepares students for their clinical interactions with children. (2 credits) CDM 2190—Pediatric Dentistry Laboratory The pediatric dentistry simulation laboratory sessions provide the student with basic knowledge and understanding of cavity preparation and restoration exercises with a variety of materials in the primary dentition. In addition, space maintenance and space analysis are reviewed during these laboratory sessions. (2 credits) CDM 3525—Clinical Pediatric Dentistry I Rotation This course includes the clinical application of preclinical pediatric dentistry skills in children and adolescents. All patients are treated in a comprehensive care format with emphasis in: 1) behavioral guidance; 2) record keeping, comprehensive diagnosis, and treatment planning; 3) prevention, including caries and risk assessment; and 4) restorative dentistry including composite and amalgam restorations in primary and mixed dentition. (3 credits) CDM 4525—Clinical Pediatric Rotation Clinical application of pediatric dentistry preclinical skills and clinical skills acquired during the D3 year are accomplished in a population of indigent children attending extramural dental clinics in South Florida. All patients are treated in a comprehensive care format with emphasis in: 1) behavioral guidance; 2) record keeping, comprehensive diagnosis, and treatment planning; 3) prevention, including caries and risk assessment; 4) restorative dentistry including composite and amalgam restorations in primary and mixed dentition, anterior composites, pulp therapy, and stainless steel crowns; and 5) interceptive orthodontics (space analysis and maintenance). (4 credits) CDM 410H—Honors Program in Pediatric Dentistry This course has been designed with the purpose of exposing D4 students to activities that will enhance their knowledge and skills in pediatric dentistry, specifically in the areas of didactic and clinical expertise. (2 credits) Department of Periodontology—Department Chair and Professor: S. Vardar | Postgraduate Director, and Associate Professor: T. Koutouzis | Predoctoral Director and Assistant Professor: B. Garcia | Director of Dental Hygiene: T. Farfan Associate Professors: M. Garcia, G. Schuldt | Assistant Professors: L. Basceanu, M. Feo | Clinical Instructor: C. Coleman | Clinical Hygienists: J. Miller, S. Sullivan | Adjunct Faculty Members: C. Betancourt, D. Boden, L. Corzo, A. De Souza, K. Diaz, B. Engle, M. Forrest, I. Freedman, J. Ganeles, J. Garber, L. Garfinkel, F. Gholami, D. Glassman, A. Goldstein, I. Marron-Tarrazzi, L. Ostroff, N. Otero, S. Ross, L. Shapiro, L. Sushner, J. Wang | Adjunct Clinical Hygienists: C. Aguilar, A. Casanova, M. Cercy, M. Contreras, J. Dozoretz, J. Hernandez, S. Kong, V. Lalwani, E. Mellman, A. Otero, S. Salzman, S. Sullivan, D. Torres, J. Turcotte , M. Wallace | Visiting Professor: J. Suzuki CDM 1070—Periodontology I Lecture This course provides an overview of periodontology and defines basic terminology. The relationship of anatomical structures relative to the periodontium; recognition and assessment of health and disease of the periodontium; introduction to histology of the gingival crevice in health, disease, and periodontal pathology; and the interrelationship between gingival microbiota, the formation of dental plaque, and gingival disease are discussed. Comprehensive periodontal examination and transcription of clinical and radiographic findings into records are also gone over, as well as an introduction to periodontal diagnoses. (2 credits) CDM 1186—Introduction to Clinical Periodontics and Record Keeping First-year dental students are introduced to a hands-on experience in electronic dental treatment records in axiUm. Students will be able to describe and input various record keeping components, including medical history and clinical exam, periodontal findings, codes, and notes. They will also be able to use the Personal Planner. The Simulation Lab and clinical experience portion of the Periodontics curriculum introduces course participants to infection control protocols, ergonomics, and periodontal instrumentation techniques. Students will be able to identify periodontal instruments, describe their design, and demonstrate basic techniques on mannequins in the Simulation Lab and on each other in the clinical experience. (3 credits)