NSU HPD Catalog 2024-2025

490 College of Dental Medicine a diagnosis; present an emergency treatment plan and options; and, with patient-informed-consent, provide the treatment or an appropriate referral. Students on rotation will participate in a grand-rounds summary at the close of each session to review specific patients and techniques. (3 credits) CDM 4507—Clinical Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Rotation Fourth-year students are assigned to clinical rotations to observe and to provide surgical treatment for patients requiring dentoalveolar surgery and the management of odontogenic infections. Proficiency in patient evaluation and surgical techniques is stressed. The student will be required to demonstrate competency in routine tooth extraction, flap elevation for more difficult extractions, and other minor oral surgical procedures. (3 credits) CDM 4999—Advanced Techniques in Pain and Anxiety Control This didactic, lecture-oriented course, introduces and familiarizes students with alternative methods of pain and anxiety control, particularly as they relate to clinical dentistry. The objective is to discuss the different concepts of anxiolysis and analgesia. The goals of this course are to provide current pharmacologic management in anxiety and pain control for dentistry. The focus of material is directed to what the general practice dentist should provide in the office setting. The methods of anxiety reduction and sedation that are selected are done so on the basis of efficacy and safety. Orally administered agents (benzodiazepines) and inhalation sedation (nitrous oxide) techniques are covered in depth. Other advanced techniques, such as intravenous conscious sedation and general anesthesia, are introduced and demonstrated to acquaint students with and stimulate interest in these techniques. This course will provide students with the requisite didactic and clinical hours (hands-on) and experience to qualify for a nitrous oxide permit in their respective states of practice upon graduation. It will include a required clinical seminar affording students the opportunity to administer nitrous oxide to fellow students and demonstrate clinical competency. (1 credit) CDM 408H—Honors Program in Oral Maxillofacial Surgery This honors course will expand the clinical knowledge and experience of the D4 predoctoral student in oral and maxillofacial surgery, including providing the opportunity to participate in and be exposed to patients that require more difficult surgical extractions or implants and bone-grafting surgery, as well as those with impacted teeth, odontogenic infections, or oral pathologic lesions. Students will also learn how to manage medically compromised patients. They will be able to participate in didactic conferences and rounds at the hospital and observation and assisting in the operating room. Additionally, they will be involved in emergency department patient management. (3 credits) Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics—Chair and Professor: S. Premaraj | Postgraduate Program Director and Associate Professor: T. Premaraj | Director of Predoctoral Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics and Assistant Professor: C. Lin | Assistant Professors: T. Brigance, G. Contasti, M. DeLuke | Adjunct Faculty Members: D. Camacho, J. Coro, A. Kapit, P. Palacios CDM 2005—Craniofacial Growth and Development This course is intended to be an introductory course in craniofacial growth and development. Introductory and general concepts of somatic and craniofacial growth will be presented. Theories of craniofacial growth and development, the method of directional descent of the maxillary and mandibular complex, and correlation with the development of the occlusion will be included. (1 credit) CDM 2202—Orthodontic Lectures The orthodontics lecture course is designed to teach students to assess normal and abnormal growth and development, diagnosis and classification of malocclusion, and differentiation between limited and comprehensive orthodontic treatment. It is also designed to teach principles and treatment concepts used in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics. (1 credit) CDM 3303—Management of Comprehensive Care Patients in Orthodontics The predoctoral student will work with the postgraduate orthodontic student in all phases of orthodontic care including examination, diagnostic record taking, analysis, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and treatment planning. The predoctoral student will join the postgraduate student in the postgraduate clinic for patients’ orthodontic appointments, assisting in all phases of clinical care. (2 credits) CDM 414H—Honors Program in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics This optional Honors course provides interested students with the opportunity to further their knowledge in limited, co-management orthodontic treatment with postgraduate residents and their patients through attendance at postgraduate diagnostic conferences and continued learning of orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning. (3 credits) Department of Pediatric Dentistry—Chair and Professor: R. Ocanto | Postgraduate Director and Professor: J. Chin | Associate Professors: J. Larumbe, O. Padilla | Assistant Professors: R. Cabassa, V. Oramas , M. Siegel | Adjunct Faculty Members: N. Hadaway, C. Kitaigorodsky, H. Urrea-Feldsberg, J. Vargas