NSU HPD Catalog 2024-2025

372 Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences—Department of Occupational Therapy OCT 7004—Continuing Capstone Residency A student will only enroll in this course if more time is required to complete the capstone or residency requirements following completion of 3 credits of OCT 7930 Capstone III. (1–3 credits) OCT 7005—Evidence-Based Practice and Critical Thinking in OT This doctoral-level course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to be consumers of evidence, so they can become evidence-based practitioners. Through readings and activities, students will learn the process of evidence-based practice. They will formulate a question of clinical relevance, search for current best evidence, critically assess the evidence, discuss how to implement the findings into practice, and have an opportunity to disseminate the findings by submitting the CAP assignment to the American Occupational Therapy Association. The course is intended to facilitate the development of skills in critical thinking, analysis, and synthesis of the literature. (3 credits) OCT 7010—Theory Development for Models of Practice Presents occupational therapy frames of reference, models of practice, their theoretical development, research, and application. Includes study of historical antecedents, sociopolitical context, and key theorists, researchers, and developers. (3 credits) OCT 7015—Introduction to Doctoral OT Research and Evidence-Based Practice This doctoral-level course is designed to provide students with introductory concepts of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies in OT. The course will introduce basic statistical analyses used in occupational therapy research, preparing doctoral OT students to become critical consumers of evidencebased research. Students will critically evaluate the evidence and discuss how to implement the findings into practice and program development/evaluation. (3 credits) OCT 7101—The Health Professional as Academic Educator This course examines the role of health professionals as academic educators in an entry-level occupational therapy program from the perspectives of faculty, higher education institutions, and professional organizations. Required for Ph.D. students (3 credits) OCT 7103—Occupation-Centered Practice This course further develops the student’s knowledge and practice with core concepts of meaningful occupations and health and wellbeing. Students will examine meaningful occupation and health and wellbeing from historical roots through present-day works in occupational therapy and occupational science literature. (3 credits) OCT 7104—Occupational Science This course, required for Ph.D. students, presents an overview of conceptual frameworks, literature, taxomies, and research strategies of occupational science. Topics will be examined from multidisciplinary perspectives on work, play, leisure, occupation, and contexts for occupation. Students will select an area for in-depth study. (3 credits) OCT 7133—Advanced Policy Issues In this course, students will analyze the effect public policy has on the practice of occupational therapy and consumers of occupational therapy services. Students will examine the various ways in which the occupational therapy professional can influence federal, state, and local policy throughout the various stages of policy development and implementation. Students will assume an advocacy role by meeting with state and/or federal elected representatives to increase and maintain the viability of the profession, promote the relevance of the profession, and/or assure consumer access to occupational therapy practitioners. (3 credits) OCT 7160—Special Topics in Occupational Therapy This seminar for doctoral students only investigates timely topics of critical interest to health care providers. (3 credits) Elective OCT 7180—Neurosciences Foundations of Occupational Performance Focuses on the link between neuroscience and human occupational behavior. Current neuroscience research and hypotheses are compared and contrasted with current theoretical work in occupational therapy. Presents material from the clinical practice viewpoint so students learn to use the knowledge gained to enhance their clinical reasoning and occupation-centered practice. (3 credits) Elective OCT 7201—Telehealth Applications in OT in Medically Underserved Populations and Areas Students will explore the delivery of health care using technology, examine the current applications of telehealth in OT practice, and be able to apply telehealth approaches to serve underserved areas and populations, as well as plan innovative telehealth services while maintaining information privacy and adhering to legal and ethical considerations. (3 credits) OCT 7211—Sensory Processing Basis of Occupational Performance This course includes an examination of the theory and practice of sensory processing in occupational therapy in seminal literature, current research in neuroscience, and current practice-related research across the life span. Students will apply this knowledge in developing a project related to a Occupational Therapy Course Descriptions