NSU HPD Catalog 2024-2025

364 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine—M.B.S. Program NSU MD Departments M.B.S. Program CLINICAL SCIENCES Interim Chair and Professor: V. Rajput | Professors: M. McKenney, J.W. Vieweg | Associate Professor: R. DeLeon | Affiliate Professors: C. Alvarez Villalba, J. Cohen, J. Gascon, T. Genuit, J. Pico, M. Renda, S. Shaif, D. Straker MEDICAL EDUCATION Chair and Professor: V. Rajput | Professors: R. Bonfil, V. Cimmino, K. L. Davis, H. A. Feldman, B. C. Jones, W. J. Keller, A. T. Mariassy, H. N. Mayrovitz, M. Parker, C. Powell, D. Pritchett, C. Purvis, K. Reynolds, V. V. Venkatachalam, R. K. Yip, Y. Zagvazdin | Associate Professors: R. Al-Ani, G. Al-Eyd, M. Armas, K. Bauckman, J. Cervantes, A. Chase, S. W. Ely, D. Griffin, V. Johnson, A. Levy, S. Marcus, M. Padilla, J. Paprota, G. Schwartz, M. Shjoa, S. Sholiton | Assistant Professors: T. Al-Khayat, M. Armas, A. Baruch, K. Carnevale, S. Carter, S. B. Collingwood, J. Costin, B. Courchia, G. Dauer, M. Demory Beckler, L. Fine, A. Giczkowski, B. Hong, A. Laloo, A. Mashukova, S. Prasad, R. Rodriguez-Millan, R. Smith, Y. Soler, R. Sperling, C. A. Tolchinsky, A. Torres POPULATION HEALTH SCIENCES Professor and Chair: J. Jacko | Professors: P. Hardigan, D. Mash, F. Sainfort | Assistant Professor: V. Beljanksi