NSU HPD Catalog 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences—Department of Health Science 355 The grading of the comprehensive examination is on a Pass/Fail basis. Students are notified of their results on the comprehensive examination by certified mail and copies of the letters are sent to students’ NSU email accounts. Following the successful completion of the comprehensive examination, students can register for dissertation credits and begin the dissertation process. Students are only allowed to take the complete comprehensive exam once and must pass all three categories to move forward to the dissertation phase of the Ph.D. program. Students who fail one or two of the three categories on the comprehensive examination have failed the exam and are referred to the CSP. The CSP will examine the student’s individual case and may recommend that the student be allowed to retake a failed category or categories at the next scheduled institute. Students who do not pass all three exam questions and are given permission to retake one or two questions at the next exam offering will be required to enroll in an additional 1-credit continuation course. If students are allowed to retake a failed category, they have one opportunity to pass all failed categories. Failure of one or two categories on retake results in the student’s second failure of the comprehensive exam. Students who fail the comprehensive examination on retake are referred to the CSP for possible dismissal from the Ph.D. program. Students who wish to dispute their grades must contact the Ph.D. program director, as there is no direct communication between graders and students. Grade disputes must be submitted in writing within five business days of notification of the comprehensive examination results. The program director will interact directly with the faculty member who graded the exams and inform the student of the grader’s comments. The grade dispute ends at the program director. All college-wide policies regarding academic honesty, the student progress committee, and appeals apply to the comprehensive exam. Students are required to familiarize themselves with the academic standards and the academic honesty policy and procedure as described in the Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences Student Handbook. (1 credit) HSP 9010—Research Practicum Continued Students who do not complete HSP 9007 in the required 16 weeks must enroll in HSP 9010. A charge of 2 credits for continuing service will be made to maintain the student’s full-time status in the Ph.D. program. Students’ progress through Research Practicum Continued will increase their total number of degree credits beyond the required 68. (2 credits, continuing service charge) HSP 9011, 9012, 9013, 9014, 9015, and 9016—Dissertation The dissertation is scheduled as six courses over two years. This includes the dissertation preparation seminar, proposal, dissertation, and oral defense. Students will conduct original research in an area of the student’s expertise or concentration, as approved by the program chair and dissertation committee, with verification of presentation or publication. The dissertation will culminate with an oral final defense, which will occur in person at the summer or winter institute, or on the Fort Lauderdale /Davie Campus. The oral defense must be arranged at least 45 days in advance. Process and requirements are detailed in the Health Professions Division Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences Dissertation Guide. (12 credits) HSP 9017—Dissertation Continuation For any additional semester after the initial six courses, students will register for a dissertation continuation course with a continuing service charge to maintain the students’ fulltime enrollment. At the end of each semester, students who demonstrate forward progress on their dissertation will earn a PR (in progress) grade. Students who do not demonstrate forward progress will earn an NPR (not in progress) grade. Students who earn an NPR grade in any dissertation course may register for the next semester, although they may not be eligible for federal funds. Students’ progress through dissertation continuation may increase their total number of degree credits beyond the required 67. (2 credits, continuing service charge) Institutes There are two required institutes. DHS 8071 will be offered in the summer and winter terms. Students may take the course in an online-only format or a hybrid format. Students who elect to take the hybrid format must attend the 20-hour on-site session during the winter term. Students who elect to take the online-only format must attend the required 20 hours of virtual class meetings throughout the summer term. HSP 9007 will be offered in the fall and winter terms. HSP 9007 requires attendance at a weeklong virtual institute.