NSU HPD Catalog 2024-2025

346 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine—M.D. Program Curriculum Outline The M.D. program’s curriculum proceeds sequentially in blocks dedicated to preclerkship disciplines and organ systems and courses covering clinical skills until spring of year 2, when required clinical clerkships begin, to be followed by electives. A schematic of the curriculum for the first year is shown below. The schematics for the second and third year represent the curriculum under non-COVID conditions. Links to the most current curricular schematics can be found on the NSU MD academics web page at md.nova.edu /academics/curriculum.html. Curriculum Schematic Year 1 Fall Term Winter Term August September October November December January February March April May June July Professional Immersion (2) Fundamentals (12) RIA (1) Hematology (4) Thanksgiving Break (1)* RIA (1) Winter Break (3)* Gastrointestinal, Nutrition, Endocrine, Reproductive (10) Spring Break (1)* RIA (1) Cardiovascular, Pulmonary, Renal (12) RIA (1) Summer Break (3)* Practice of Medicine 1 (16) Practice of Medicine 2 (22) Year 2 Fall Term Winter Term Summer Term August September October November December January February March April May June July Required Research or Self-Directed Study (4) Brain, Body, Behavior (14) Thanksgiving Break (1)* RIA (2) Winter Break (2)* USMLE Step 1 Prep (8) Health Systems Science and Advanced Clinical Skills (5) Clerkship Block 1 (12) (Required Clerkships: Surgery, Internal Medicine, OB-GYN, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Primary Care Medicine, Radiology, and 1 selective) RIA (2) Summer Break (3)* Practice of Medicine 3 (14) Year 3 Fall Term Winter Term Summer Term August September October November December January February March April May June July Clerkship Block 2 (16) (Required Clerkships: Surgery, Internal Medicine, OB-GYN, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Primary Care Medicine, Radiology, and 1 selective) Thanksgiving Break (2)* RIA (2) Winter Break (3)* Clerkship Block 3 (12) (Required Clerkships: Surgery, Internal Medicine, OB-GYN, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Primary Care Medicine, Radiology, and 1 selective) RIA (2) Year 4 Planning (1) Final Required OSCE Week (1) Elective, Sub-I, or Required Research (4) Elective, Sub-I, or Required Research (4) Elective, Sub-I, or Required Research (4) Summer Break (1)* Year 4 Fall Term Winter Term August September October November December January February March April May June July Elective, Sub-I, or Required Research (4) Elective, Sub-I, or Required Research (4) Elective, Sub-I, or Required Research (4) Elective, Sub-I, or Required Research (4) Elective, Sub-I, or Required Research (4) Winter Break (3)* Elective, Sub-I, or Required Research (4) Elective, Sub-I, or Required Research (4) Transition to Residency (2) Elective, Sub-I, or Required Research (4) Elective or Break Commencement Date TBD RIA = Reflection, Integration, and Assessment—This includes assessments, longitudinal mentoring activities, leadership training, reflective exercises, and interprofessional activities. *Break length/location may vary based on calendar date flow. Please review academic year or cohort calendars for specifics.