HPD Catalog 2024-2025

10 NSU Health Professions Division name and address change, loan deferment, enrollment and degree verification, grade processing, degree conferral, and diploma printing. The office also facilitates and communicates academic progress standing to students on a trimester basis and oversees all related communications with students and academic programs. The essential responsibility of the registrar’s office is to create, maintain, and protect students’ academic records, as well as interpret and uphold university policy. Additional information is available at nova.edu/registrar/ or call (954) 262-7200, 800-262-7200, or 800-541-6682, ext. 27200. Transcript Requests Students may view a complete academic history, print out an unofficial transcript, and request an official printed or electronic transcript in SharkLink. The fee for an electronic official transcript is $17. Printed official transcripts are delivered by U.S. postal mail. They cost $19.50 to be sent within the U.S., and $22 to be sent internationally. For additional information on ordering transcripts, visit nova.edu/registrar/services/transcript.html. Class Registration and Changes All students must complete an online Student Enrollment Agreement (SEA) form each year in order to gain access to class registration. The SEA outlines the university’s standards and policies regarding course registration and withdrawal, financial responsibility, and more. A copy of the SEA is available on the registrar’s website at nova.edu/registrar/forms/catch-the -sea-wave. Students must be officially registered prior to the start of the semester/term in order to participate in and receive academic credit for those courses. All holds must be cleared at the time of registration. Late registration will not be accepted if due to a financial hold that was not cleared prior to the close of the registration period. Students are responsible for reviewing their registration and academic records each semester/term for accuracy and for promptly notifying their program office/adviser of any discrepancies. Students have no more than 20 days after the end of a semester/term to resolve any discrepancies. Petitions for retroactive drops, withdrawals, or refunds for a course will only be considered based on documented extenuating circumstances. Appropriate documentation may include doctor’s notes and death certificates. Roster Reconciliation Students are required to attend the first class of each course to start academic work for the semester, unless they have obtained prior approval for an absence from the instructor. Without such approval, a student will be reported as not in attendance, which may result in the student being dropped from the class through the university’s roster reconciliation process. However, it remains the student’s responsibility to monitor class registration status in accordance with the Student Enrollment Agreement (SEA), regardless of the instructor’s roster reconciliation submission. Students who believe they were reported in error as nonattendee must communicate with the instructor, who is the only one able to correct the record. Faculty members must email rostrec@nova.edu to request a student be left on the class roster who was originally reported as not in attendance. Name, Social Security Number, or Gender Changes NSU requires official documentation to make any change to the name, Social Security number, or gender students have on record. Students must submit a completed Data Change Form, available at nova.edu/registrar/forms1.html, along with supporting legal documentation. For details on acceptable documentation for each change, visit the registrar’s website at nova.edu/registrar/services.html. Student Contact and Personal Information To ensure that they can be contacted in an emergency, receive financial aid refunds, and receive any important information sent by postal mail, students must keep their contact information current in SharkLink (sharklinkportal.nova.edu) at all times. This includes preferred and permanent mailing addresses and phone numbers. Students may update their address in SharkLink. To make a change to other personal information, such as a name, Social Security number, date of birth, or gender, Nova Southeastern University requires official documentation. Students must submit a completed Data Change Request, available at nova.edu/registrar/forms1.html, along with supporting legal documentation. For details on acceptable documentation for each change, visit the registrar’s website at nova.edu/registrar/services.html. Auditing a Course An audit is a registration status that allows students to attend a course without receiving academic credit. Prior to auditing a course, a student must submit a completed Course Audit Request Form to seek written approval from the instructor and the department chair/director. Upon completion of the audited course, an AU grade will be posted. The AU grade cannot be changed to a letter grade, nor will it affect a student’s GPA. For detailed information, visit nova.edu/registrar/policies/course -audit-policy.html. Loan Deferment/Enrollment and Degree Verification Students may obtain a free, official Loan Deferment/Enrollment Verification Form via SharkLink. This Enrollment Verification Form is an official document from the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) that can be presented to health insurance agencies, housing authorities, consumer product companies, banks, and other agencies requiring documentation of your current enrollment status.