NSU HPD Catalog 2024-2025

202 Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy—M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences Program PHRM 5012—Clinical Drug Development: Advanced Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics This course deals with the principles that explain the processes of absorption, distribution, and elimination of drugs. The advances in pharmacokinetic modeling, compartmental analysis, model-independent methods, single and multiple dosing, protein binding, metabolite kinetics, interspecies scaling to translate animal data to humans, effect of disease states, and data analysis using relevant software will be discussed, as will applying the principles of biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics to the design of controlled release and targeted drug delivery systems. Emphasis is on bioequivalence and bioavailability of traditional pharmaceutical dosage forms and novel drug delivery systems, including the assessment of biosimilars. (48-0-3) PHRM 5014—Molecular and Cellular Pharmacodynamics This course studies the considerations in operating and regulating cellular processes by manipulating receptors for therapeutic advantage through coupled signaling pathways. Recent developments in this technique, as it applies to the treatment of disease, will be presented. (48-0-3) PHRM 5020—Advanced Pharmacogenomics and Molecular Medicine This course is designed to educate students with an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the cellular and molecular bases that have evolved as the basis of human diseases. The course offers the contemporary molecular biological concepts to apply toward understanding molecular bases of individual variation, their application to drug response, and possible new interventions. Students will be able to understand and apply the knowledge of modern molecular biological techniques for diagnostics and detection of infection, gene defects, and fingerprinting; transgenesis; biopharming; immunotherapies; and the ever-developing field of gene therapy and regenerative medicine. (48-0-3) PHRM 5021—Population Health and Public Policy This graduate-level, interactive course introduces students to: (1) the fundamental concepts and frameworks used for the study of population health and public policy; (2) the financing and managing of health systems at the local and international levels; and (3) the formulation and analysis of public health policies. The course will emphasize the intersection of public health and the determinant of drug use and pharmacy-related policies. Students will have the opportunity to analyze and critically evaluate existing health policies, public health actions, and reforms. The course will be highly interactive. Students are expected to contribute and participate in the discussion of current research, case studies, and policies. Student learning will be assessed through oral exams, written assignments, presentations, and an analytical paper. This course will provide skills for the conceptualization of research projects addressing current health issues related to pharmacy. (48-0-3) PHRM 5025—Pharmacy Management and Finance This course provides an overview of management theories, human resources, and financial management applied to pharmacy and health care institution operations. Elements of supervision, management, and leadership are discussed in an effort to help students develop the skills needed to operate a pharmacy effectively. Also covered are finance topics such as capital costs, profit analysis, cost structures, budgeting, payment for services rendered, and accounting. (48-0-3) PHRM 5030—Biostatistics This course introduces methods for presenting data in summary form, analyzing data, and designing experiments. It emphasizes the application of statistical ideas and methods to the analysis and interpretation of experiments and comparative data. Students will be able to assess a situation involving data analysis, state the null and alternative hypotheses proposed, decide on the correct statistical procedure to test the null hypothesis and the assumptions of the test used, calculate the statistic, assess its statistical significance, and interpret the data in light of the calculated results. (48-0-3) PHRM 5060—Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Design This course provides an analysis of the study designs most commonly employed in experimental research, with emphasis in basic and clinical pharmacological research. Upon completion of the course, students will understand the considerations that go into selecting qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods of research design. The course prepares students to select the most appropriate design to better answer a specific research question, as well as to understand the strengths and limitations of such a design. (16-0-1) PHRM 5203—Social Measurement and Techniques This course introduces students to the concepts of advanced measurement theory and methods used in research. It acquaints students with cutting-edge models in measurement theory and methods, as well as with the application of computer software with which to implement those methodologies. After completing the course, students should be prepared to begin working on advanced applications of measurement in the sociobehavioral sciences. (48-0-3) PHRM 5204—Research Techniques and Instrumentation This course will provide students with a broad overview of technologies and instruments used in pharmaceutical sciences research. Topics covered include the fundamentals of spectroscopy and chromatography, basic protein and molecular biology techniques, and others. The course will allow students to read the literature with greater understanding as methodological terminology begins to have more meaning. (48-0-3)