HPD Catalog 2024-2025

NSU Health Professions Division 7 in any way is unable to meet the requirements for completion of the program, then the student’s admission may be denied or rescinded, the student may be disciplined or dismissed, or the student’s enrollment may be terminated. Acceptance to an NSU Health Professions Division program does not guarantee that students with information of a concern will be accepted by clinical training facilities to which they may be assigned. Students enrolled in NSU’s Health Professions Division have a continuing duty to disclose any arrest, conviction, guilty or no contest plea, or participation in a pretrial diversion program or its equivalent for any criminal offense. Students are required to notify their dean’s office within 10 days of any arrest or subsequent conviction, guilty or no contest plea, or participation in a pretrial diversion program or its equivalent for any criminal offense. While enrolled at NSU, students have a continuing duty to disclose all of the above, along with any arrests or pending criminal charges, within 10 days of any arrest or charges filed. Students, other than those enrolled in programs within the Health Professions Division, must notify the assistant dean of Student Affairs or designee of any arrests or pending criminal charges. A failure to timely disclose any arrests or pending criminal charges may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from NSU. Urine Drug Screening HPD students may be required to submit to urine drug screen testing. Students who test positive for illegal or illicit drugs, such as marijuana (even if prescribed or certified by a physician), or for a controlled substance that they do not have a prescription for, will be referred to their college’s appropriate committee. Certain colleges may have additional policies. Students are expected to check the college section of their student handbooks for those requirements. Tuition Credit Policy— Voluntary Drops and Withdrawals Students who wish to withdraw from the program or course, if course withdrawal is permitted in the student’s college (refer to college policies), must submit a written request for voluntary withdrawal to the dean or program director, who will evaluate the student’s request. After completing the required documentation and obtaining the dean’s or program director’s approval, an eligible student may receive partial credit of the tuition, according to the following formula: • Drops during the first week of the semester in which classes begin...................75 percent • Drops after the first week of the semester in which classes begin....................No refund The withdrawal period starts in the second week of the semester and ends three weeks prior to the end of the semester. Students enrolled in programs that have a drop/add period will have until 11:59 p.m. the first Sunday of the semester, which is the end of the drop/add period, in order to make any changes in their schedule without incurring any financial expenses. Students who drop during the first week of classes will receive a reversal of 75 percent of their charged tuition. Students who drop after the first week of the semester will not be entitled to receive a refund. Students enrolled in bachelor’s degree programs are required to follow policy procedures for drops and withdrawals as noted at nova.edu/undergraduatestudies/academic-catalog.html in the undergraduate catalog. Students enrolled in the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine graduate programs should refer to the graduate section of the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine Student Handbook for their tuition credit policy. Students may not be given refunds for portions of tuition paid by financial aid funds. As appropriate, the respective financial aid programs will be credited in accordance with federal regulations. Students should notify the Office of Student Financial Aid prior to withdrawing to determine the effect this will have on financial aid. For complete withdrawals, please refer to the Return of Title IV Funds policies located at nova. edu/financialaid/apply-for-aid/title-iv-return. Failure to comply with these requirements could jeopardize future receipt of Title IV student assistance funds at any institution of higher education the student may attend. If a student is due a refund, it will be mailed to the student’s address or deposited directly into the student’s checking account after the dean—or designee—of the respective college has approved the withdrawal and the drop request has been processed. The tuition refund policy is subject to change at the discretion of the university’s board of trustees/the NSU administration. Changes to a semester’s registration will not be accepted 20 days after the semester ends. Student Services Means of Communication with Students Enrollment and Student Services’ official means of communicating with students is via SharkLink and NSU email. Students are encouraged to use NSU’s SharkLink to • check email • access their financial aid information • request official transcripts and view unofficial transcripts • view their student accounts • make payments