182 Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences—Department of Audiology AUD 6404 Auditory and Vestibular Pathologies 4 AUD 5402 Introduction to Auditory Electrophysiology 3 AUD 5403L Introduction to Auditory Electrophysiology Lab 1 AUD 6511 Clinic II 2 YEAR 1—Semester 3: Winter Credits AUD 5070 Research Methods in Audiology I 3 AUD 6310 Adult Audiologic Rehabilitation 1 AUD 6508 Tinnitus Evaluation and Management 2 AUD 5404 Introduction to Vestibular Evaluation 3 AUD 5404L Introduction to Vestibular Evaluation Lab 1 AUD 5410 Navigating the Audiology Professional Landscape 1 AUD 7071 Biochemistry and Pharmacology for Audiology 2 AUD 7135 Pediatric Audiologic (Re)habilitation 2 AUD 6512 Clinic III 2 YEAR 2—Semester 1: Summer Credits AUD 6406 Overview of Amplification II 3 AUD 6406L Amplification Lab II 1 AUD 6408 Auditory Processing Evaluation and Treatment 2 AUD 7120 Advanced Auditory Electrophysiology 2 AUD 7130 Pediatric Audiology 3 AUD 7160 Advanced Vestibular Evaluation and Treatment 3 AUD 7607 Internship I 3 YEAR 2—Semester 2: Fall Credits AUD 7079 Ethics, Coding, and Reimbursement for Audiology 2 AUD 7051 Research Methods in Audiology II 3 AUD 7100 Advanced Seminar in Amplification 2 AUD 7194 Clinical Grand Rounds in Audiology 3 AUD 7090 Leadership and Professionalism in Audiology 1 AUD 7608 Internship II 3 AUD 7165 Vestibular Specialty Seminar (elective) 3