HPD Catalog 2024-2025

6 NSU Health Professions Division Degree Limits Policy To encourage focused academic achievement, promote postgraduate professional success, and allocate university resources efficiently, NSU has established the following limitations with respect to the number of degrees it will award to a single student: • A maximum of four degrees at the master’s level, regardless of academic program, major or concentration • A maximum of two education specialist (Ed.S.) degrees • One of each type of all other doctoral or professional degrees (e.g., Ph.D., M.D., J.D., D.O., etc.) at NSU. Multiple doctoral degrees of the same type are not permitted, regardless of whether they have different majors/ concentrations or are offered through different colleges or academic programs at NSU. By setting these limits, NSU aims to support students in achieving depth and specialization in their chosen fields while balancing academic rigor and maintaining the quality and accessibility of its educational offerings. Although degrees awarded at other institutions do not count toward this policy, when exercising its academic discretion with respect to admissions decisions, NSU considers the totality of an applicant’s academic history, including the nature and number of degrees possessed by the applicant. Foreign Coursework Coursework taken at a foreign institution must be evaluated for U.S. institution equivalence by an approved National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) organization, such as one of the services listed following, unless otherwise indicated in a specific program section. • World Education Services, Inc. (212) 966-6311 • 800-361-3106 • wes.org - By Postal Mail WES Reference # WES Global Documentation Centre PO Box 2008 STN MAIN Newmarket, ON, L3Y 0G5 Canada - By Express Courier WES Reference # WES Global Documentation Centre 14-145 Industrial Parkway South Aurora, ON, L4G 3V5 Canada • Josef Silny & Associates, Inc., International Education Consultants 7101 SW 102 Avenue Miami, Florida 33173 (305) 273-1616 • (305) 273-1338 fax info@jsilny.org • jsilny.org • Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc. 101 West Pleasant Street, Suite 200 Milwaukee, WI 53212-3963 (414) 289-3400 • ece.org It is the applicant’s responsibility to have this coursework evaluated. An official course-by-course evaluation with a cumulative grade point average must be sent directly from the evaluation service to Nova Southeastern University, Enrollment Processing Services, 3300 S. University Drive, PO Box 299000, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328-2004, for the appropriate college. Programs using centralized application services should contact the specific application service to check which evaluation services are acceptable in order for their application to be processed. Background Checks The NSU Health Professions Division may require students within its HPD programs to submit to a Level 1 and/or Level 2 background check, as defined in Chapter 452, Florida Statutes, prior to admission into an HPD program or at any time during the term of enrollment. Each HPD college or program also may establish college or program-specific requirements for background screening of students or applicants. Accepted applicants and students in such programs are required to authorize the NSU Health Professions Division to obtain background check(s) as per the policy adopted on March 2011. If the background check(s) reveal information of concern, which the NSU Health Professions Division may deem unfavorable, the HPD will request that the individual provide a detailed written explanation of the information contained in this report, along with appropriate documentation (e.g., police reports). Students may also be required to authorize clinical training facilities that they are assigned to by the Health Professions Division to obtain a background check with the results reported to the clinical training facility. Students with questions concerning the background checks should contact their respective college and/ or academic program for more information. For programs that require students to submit background checks as a condition for admission, offers of admission will not be considered final until the completion of the background check(s), with results deemed favorable by the NSU Health Professions Division and, where appropriate, by the clinical training facilities. If information received in connection with any background check indicates that the student has provided false or misleading statements, has omitted required information, or