HPD Catalog 2024-2025

176 Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences—Department of Anesthesia Winter—Semester III Courses Credits ANET 5001 Clinical Anesthesia I 4 ANET 5463 Pharmacology for Anesthesia II 2 ANET 5303 Anesthesia Laboratory III 3 ANET 5603 Applied Physiology for Anesthesia Practice III 3 ANET 5902 Anesthesia Principles and Practices II 2 ANET 5102 Student Lecture Series II 1 Total Credits 15 Summer—Semester IV Courses Credits ANET 5107 Internship 5 ANET 5000 Professional Issues in Anesthesiologist Assistant Practice 2 ANET 5002 Clinical Anesthesia II 3 ANET 5304 Anesthesia Laboratory IV 3 ANET 5603 Applied Physiology for Anesthesia Practice III 2 ANET 5903 Anesthesia Principles and Practices III 2 ANET 5500 Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia and Vascular Access 3 ANET 5103 Student Lecture Series III 1 Total Credits 21 Clinical Year, Fall—Semester V Course Credits ANET 6001 Clinical Anesthesia III 13 Total Credits 13 Clinical Year, Winter—Semester VI Courses Credits ANET 6002 Clinical Anesthesia IV 15 ANET 6110 Anesthesia Review 2 Total Credits 17 Clinical Year, Summer—Semester VII Course Credits ANET 6003 Clinical Anesthesia V 12 Total Credits 12 Curriculum is subject to change as directed by the department.