HPD Catalog 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences—Department of Anesthesia 161 • from October through March at the Jacksonville Campus • from October through March at the Orlando Campus • from October through March at the Tampa Bay Regional Campus Tuition and Fees Tuition for 2024–2025 (subject to change by the board of trustees without notice) will be posted on our website (nova .edu/bursar/billing/tuition-fees.html). An Anesthesiology General Access Fee of $145 and an NSU Student Services Fee of $1,800 are required annually. Additionally, an anesthesiologist assistant clinical support charge of $550 is required for each of the five clinical semesters of the program. 1. Acceptance Fee—$500. This fee is required to reserve the accepted applicant’s place in the entering first-year class but is not refundable in the event of a withdrawal. It is payable within two weeks of an applicant’s acceptance. 2. Deposit—$500. This is due March 15, under the same terms as the Acceptance Fee. The first semester’s tuition and fees, less the $1,000 previously paid, are due on or before registration day. Tuition for each subsequent semester is due on or before the appropriate registration day. Students will not be admitted until their financial obligations have been met. The financial ability of applicants to complete their training at the college is important because of the limited number of positions available in each class. Applicants should have specific plans for financing 27 months of professional education. This should include tuition, living expenses, books, equipment, and miscellaneous expenses. Each student is required to carry adequate personal medical and hospital insurance. Students may avail themselves of the hospitalization insurance plan obtainable through the university. Advanced Standing Because of its highly integrated and compact curriculum, the anesthesiologist assistant (AA) programs require matriculants to complete the entire curriculum at the specified campus. No advanced placement, transfer of credit, or credit for experiential learning will be granted. Requirements for Graduation In order to be eligible to graduate with the Master of Science in Anesthesia degree, students must 1. be of good moral and ethical character 2. successfully complete all academic and clinical courses and degree requirements with a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average, or higher 3. successfully complete and pass all anesthesia didactic and clinical coursework 4. successfully complete and pass all M.H.Sc. courses that are in the M.S. in Anesthesia program 5. demonstrate professional behavior and required attendance throughout the program 6. comply with all university, HPD, PCHCS, Department of Health Science, and student handbook policies and procedures, including dress code For information about the NSU AA specialization, or to request an AA admissions application packet, please contact the NSU admissions office at • Nova Southeastern University Health Professions Division Anesthesiologist Assistant 3300 S. University Drive Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328-2004 (954) 262-1101 or 800-356-0026, ext. 21101 nova.edu/chcs/healthsciences/anesthesia