HPD Catalog 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences—Department of Anesthesia 159 Department of Anesthesia Overview Anesthesiologist Assistants (AAs), also known as anesthetists, are highly educated and skilled allied health professionals who work under the supervision of physician anesthesiologists to develop and implement anesthesia care plans. AAs work exclusively within the anesthesia care team environment as described by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). AAs are trained extensively in the delivery and maintenance of quality anesthesia care, as well as advanced patient monitoring techniques. The goal of AA education is to nurture the transformation of qualified student applicants into competent health care practitioners who aspire to practice in the anesthesia care team. NSU’s 27-month AA course of study consists of an intensive academic and didactic program that will prepare students to function within the anesthesia care team. Students will get an extensive clinical training experience that will consist of a minimum of 2,000 clinical hours that encompass all aspects of anesthesia care for the surgical patient. Upon completion of the course of study, students will have completed a comprehensive didactic and clinical program at the graduate level and have earned a Master of Science (M.S.) in Anesthesia degree from NSU. Through close, personal interaction with highly qualified faculty members and use of the latest available anesthesia technology, the first year (semesters one through four) encompasses an in-depth course of study in the fundamentals of anesthesia. Clinical experience during the first year will increase as the year progresses. The didactic curriculum, complemented by simulation learning, will provide the student with the necessary skills to meet the clinical objectives of the curriculum. The senior year (semesters five through seven) will consist of clinical rotations assigned in two-week and four-week intervals. During the senior year, clinical rotations are full time and involve all specialty areas in anesthesia, including general surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, otolaryngology, orthopedics, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, genito-urinary surgery, vascular surgery, cardiac surgery, thoracic surgery, transplantation, and trauma. Clinical rotations include days, evenings, nights, weekends, and on-call—depending upon the rotation. Nova Southeastern University’s M.S. in Anesthesia program will prepare students for the national certification exam administered by the National Board of Medical Examiners under the auspices of the National Commission for the Certification of Anesthesiologist Assistants. The certification process involves successfully completing the Certifying Examination for Anesthesiologist Assistants for initial certification, registration of continuing medical education credits every two years, and successful completion of the Examination for Continued Demonstration of Qualifications every six years. Mission The mission of the Master of Science in Anesthesia is to prepare students for lifelong learning and leadership roles that will benefit the health care community. The educational process will be committed to training and educating competent anesthetists who will embrace the anesthesia care team to provide safe, quality, and compassionate anesthesia care for all degrees of illness for the surgical patient. Vision The Master of Science in Anesthesia at Nova Southeastern University will provide state-of-the-art educational facilities and environment, which will allow anesthesiologist assistant students to cultivate into health care providers who are driven by compassion and guided by science to provide the best and safest patient care. It will be locally, nationally, and internationally recognized as an authority and primary source for anesthesiologist assistant information and services related to promoting the practice of delivering safe and quality anesthesia as a member of the anesthesia care team. The faculty members and students will be recognized as leaders within the profession through our collective service to the American Academy of Anesthesiologist Assistants (AAAA) and other professional organizations. The Master of Science in Anesthesia Program is dedicated to developing a well-rounded, practicing AA. The faculty and current students are dedicated to the following program objectives: • d evelop vigilant, knowledgeable, skilled, and compassionate anesthesia care providers who are capable of functioning within the anesthesia care team model in the delivery of all perioperative anesthesia services • i nspire and prepare the future leaders in our profession for service in local, state, and national organizations that shall advance the utilization and practice of anesthesiologist assistants • a dvance anesthesiologist assistant education through the application of state-of-the-art technology and evidence-based learning practices that continue to support our student-learning objectives