HPD Catalog 2024-2025

4 NSU Health Professions Division The division elicited input from students and faculty members and incorporated innovations in architecture, ergonomics, and computer-aided technology to provide facilities that enhance the learning experience. The complex is an arrangement of eight buildings, four of which are connected by air-conditioned lobbies. The College of Dental Medicine, Assembly II Building, Dr. Sanford L. Ziff Health Care Center, physical plant, and parking garage are connected to the central buildings by covered walkways. Administration and faculty offices are on the upper levels of the five-story Terry Administration Building, with the departments of admissions and student services and a cafeteria located on the first floor. Located in the Terry Building, the Health Museum exhibits artifacts and antiques representing each of the colleges of the Health Professions Division. The collection houses an informative and historical display of medical memorabilia for students, faculty members, and visitors to explore. Adjacent to the administration building is the Assembly Building, which consists of a 500-seat auditorium, a 250-seat auditorium, and eight 126-seat amphitheater-classrooms—all equipped with computerized audio/video systems. Connected to this is the three-story Library/Laboratory Building. On the first floor is the library and a 100-seat cardiac laboratory utilizing “Harvey,” a computerized mannequin that duplicates the sounds and symptoms of most heart conditions. Also on the first floor are patient simulation training rooms and a 50-station computer laboratory for student use. The second and third floors house laboratories, a student lounge, and a research area. Laboratories are equipped for viewing pretaped medical procedures, and each large laboratory has a video system and hookups to equipment such as an electron microscope, so that illustrations can be amplified for laboratory-wide viewing. Just north of the Library/Laboratory Building is the Health Care Center, with facilities for primary health care, rehabilitative services, eye care, and a pharmacy. The College of Dental Medicine’s 70,500-square-foot building advances the state of the art in dental education facilities. The first floor contains an operatory predoctoral clinic facility, as well as clinics and support laboratories for oral medicine, radiology, and oral surgery. The second floor houses a faculty practice; clinics for postgraduate programs in advanced education in general dentistry, endodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, periodontology, and prosthodontics; a 120-space simulation technique laboratory; and support laboratories. Faculty and administration offices are on the third floor. The modern, spacious Assembly II Building allows Health Professions Division students to have opportunities for interdisciplinary education by meeting the need for additional classroom, computer, and research facilities. It contains more than 31,000 square feet of instructional and research facilities, including a 312-seat auditorium, an ultrasound training center, a 50-station computer science laboratory, and 37 seminar and study rooms. While just across the street from the rest of the HPD complex, the HPD Annex contains faculty offices for the exercise and sport science and anesthesiology assistant departments, as well as exercise laboratories and a simulation nursing laboratory. It also houses classrooms, operating rooms, and the postanesthesia care unit. NSU’s Health Professions Division also offers programs at its campuses in Fort Myers, Jacksonville, Miami, Miramar, Orlando, Palm Beach, and Tampa Bay, Florida, and in San Juan, Puerto Rico. These campuses provide an optimal solution for students who want a high-caliber education closer to home. Additionally, the M.S. in Anesthesiology degree is now available at NSU’s Denver, Colorado, location. 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