HPD Catalog 2024-2025

College of Optometry 151 CVR 8691 Independent Study I in Low Vision 3 CVR 8692 Independent Study II in Low Vision 3 CVR 8693 Independent Study III in Low Vision 3 CVR 8694 Independent Study IV in Low Vision 3 Ocular Motility Courses Semester Hours CVR 8710 Overview to the Analysis of Eye Movements I 3 CVR 8720 Overview to the Analysis of Eye Movements II 3 CVR 8791 Independent Study I in Ocular Motility 3 CVR 8792 Independent Study II in Ocular Motility 3 CVR 8793 Independent Study III in Ocular Motility 3 CVR 8794 Independent Study IV in Ocular Motility 3 Diseases Courses Semester Hours CVR 8810 Disease Assessment 3 CVR 8820 Advanced Course in Disease 3 CVR 8830 Concepts in Ocular Disease 3 CVR 8840 Anatomical Basis for the Ocular Diseases 3 CVR 8891 Independent Study I in Diseases 3 CVR 8892 Independent Study II in Diseases 3 CVR 8893 Independent Study III in Diseases 3 CVR 8894 Independent Study IV in Diseases 3 CVR 8895 Independent Study V in Diseases 3 Thesis Semester Hours CVR 8999 Thesis Continuation 3