HPD Catalog 2024-2025

146 College of Optometry Fourth Year—Fall Term Semester Hours OPT 5022 Anomalies of Binocular Vision II 2.0 OPTL 5022 Anomalies of Binocular Vision II Lab 1.0 OPT 5899 Clinical Reasoning and Case Analysis IV 1.0 OPT 6122 Contact Lenses II 2.0 OPTL 6122 Contact Lenses II Lab 1.0 OPT 6233 Neuro-Eye Disease: Diagnostic, Medical, and Pharmacological Management 3.0 OPT 6332 Clinical Medicine and Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Disease II 2.0 OPT 7122 Primary Care Clinic II 2.5 OPT 7161 Optical Services Rotation II 0.5 Specialty Care Clinical Rotations** 1.0 Total Semester Hours: 16.0 Fourth Year—Winter Term Semester Hours OPT 4953 Health Promotion Research 0.5 OPT 6512 Practice Management I 1.0 OPT 6633 P ediatric Optometry and Optometric Management of Learning-Related Vision Problems 3.0 OPTL 6633 P ediatric Optometry and Optometric Management of Learning-Related Vision Problems II Laboratory 1.0 OPT 6899 Clinical Reasoning and Case Analysis V 1.0 OPT 7132 Primary Care Clinic III 2.5 OPT 7171 Optical Services III 0.5 OPT 7182 Ophthalmic Lasers, Injections, and Surgical Procedures 2.0 Specialty Care Clinical Rotations** 2.0 OPT 7999 NBEO Prep 1.0 Total Semester Hours: 14.5