HPD Catalog 2024-2025

140 College of Optometry The curriculum is revised and modified frequently to meet the demands of the profession. These courses are representative of the overall requirements of the program at the time of publication. First Year—Fall Term Semester Hours OPT 1134 Gross Anatomy/Anatomy of the Head and Neck 4.0 OPT 1323 Microbiology 2.0 OPT 1446* Integrated Optics I 4.0 OPTL 1446* Integrated Optics I Lab 0.5 OPT 1724 Optometric Theory and Methods I 3.0 OPTL 1724 Optometric Theory and Methods I Lab 2.0 OPT 1831+ Contemporary Issues in Optometry 1.0 OPT 1888* Ocular Anatomy and Physiology 4.0 Total Semester Hours: 20.5 First Year—Winter Term Semester Hours OPT 2023 General Neuroanatomy 3.0 OPTC 2144 General Physiology 4.0 OPT 2323* Visual Optics 2.0 OPT 2346 Vision Science I 3.0 OPT 2446* Integrated Optics II 3.0 OPTL 2446* Integrated Optics II Lab 0.5 OPT 2522* Visual Neurophysiology 2.0 OPT 2724 Optometric Theory and Methods II 2.0 OPTL 2724 Optometric Theory and Methods II Lab 1.5 OPT 2899 Integrative Course Seminar I 1.0 Total Semester Hours: 22.0 First Year—Summer Term Semester Hours OPT 2999 Integrative Course Seminar II 1.0 OPTL 3021 Optometric Simulation Lab 1.5 OPT 3242 Principles of General Pharmacology 2.5 OPT 3346 Vision Science II 3.0 OPTL 3434 Ophthalmic Optics I Lab 1.0 OPT 3446 Ophthalmic Optics 3.0 Traditional Four-Year Program Curriculum Outline