NSU HPD Catalog 2024-2025

College of Optometry 139 extended and full-time programs are the same. The enrollment for the extended program is limited. The dean of the College of Optometry will make the final determination on eligibility for the extended program. Tuition for 2024–2025 (subject to change by the board of trustees) will be posted on our website (nova.edu/bursar /billing/tuition-fees.html). Tuition reverts to the regular rate for the fourth and fifth years. Student Body Leadership The College of Optometry Student Government Association (OSGA) is the official voice of all optometry students. The OSGA welcomes input and participation from the entire student body. Its responsibilities include collecting and expressing student opinion, dispensing funds for student activities, acting as liaison for the student body, promoting optometry, supporting club and class activities, and working to improve the quality of life for students at the College of Optometry.