128 Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy—Ph.D. Program Social and Administrative Pharmacy Curriculum Sequence These courses are representative of the overall requirements of the program at the time of publication and are subject to change. Updates to the curriculum will be posted online at pharmacy.nova.edu. First and Second Years Credits PHRP 7001 Health Economics 3 PHRP 7021 Population Health and Public Policy 3 PHRP 7023 Pharmaceutical Marketing 3 PHRP 7025 Pharmacy Management and Finance 3 PHRP 7110 Bioethical Principles of Life Science Research 3 PHRP 7120 Research Design 3 PHRP 7203 Social Measurement and Techniques 3 PHRP 7209 Pharmacoeconomics 3 PHRP 7211 Theories of Health-Seeking Behavior 3 PHRP 7243 Research Design II 3 PHRP 7320 Advanced Biostatistics I 3 PHRP 7330 Advanced Biostatistics II 3 PHRP 7610 Scientific Writing 1 PHRP 7620 Research Funding and Proposal Development 1 PHRP 8301 Graduate Research* 12 PHRP 8400 Graduate Seminar* 4 PHRE Elective(s) 3 Third Year Credits PHRP 8000 Dissertation Research# 24 PHRP 8301 Graduate Research* 3 PHRP 8400 Graduate Seminar* 2 PHRE Elective(s) 6 Fourth Year# Credits PHRP 8000 Dissertation Research# 24 PHRP 8400 Graduate Seminar* 2 PHRP 8900 Dissertation Defense+ 8 *repeatable course #Additional years may be required to complete the dissertation research. The curriculum for subsequent years is identical to the fourth year (maximum seven years allowed for Ph.D. completion). +This course is only available to students in their final semester. Notes: • Qualifying exams will commence during the summer semester of the second year. • Graduation from the program requires the preparation and successful defense of a dissertation.