HPD Catalog 2024-2025

Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy—M.S. in Pharmaceutical Affairs Program 119 Curriculum Outline These courses are representative of the overall requirements of the program at the time of publication. Updates to the curriculum will be posted online at pharmacy.nova.edu. Fall/Winter/Summer Credits PHRM 5001 Health Economics 3 PHRM 5021 Population Health and Public Policy 3 PHRM 5212 Bioethical Principles of Life Science Research 3 PHRM 5801 Strategies for Success in Graduate School 2 PHRM 5820 Biochemical Basis of Drug Therapy 3 PHRM 5830 Fundamentals of Pharmacodynamics 2 PHRM 5840 Drug Medication and Society: History and Current Issues 2 PHRM 5871 Evidence-Based Practice I 1 PHRM 5911 Pharmacokinetic Principles and Applications 4 PHRM 5940 Regulatory Affairs 3 PHRM 5972 Evidence-Based Practice II 2 PHRM 5990 Integrative Capstone in Pharmaceutical Affairs 6 PHRE Electives 4 Total Credits 38