Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy—Advanced Standing Program 115 Second Year—Fall/Winter Semesters Credits PHRC 5800 Patient and Physical Assessment 2 PHRC 5990 IPPE: Health Systems 4 PHRL 6810 Sterile Products Laboratory 1 PHRC 6836 Integrated Disease Management VI 4 PHRC 6837 Integrated Disease Management VII 3 PHRC 6838 Integrated Disease Management VIII 3 PHRC 6865 Essentials of Professional Practice V 3 PHRC 6875 Evidence-Based Practice V 2 PHRC 6885 Leadership and Professional Development V 1 PHRL 6815 Pharmacy Skills Development V 1 PHRC 6895 Integrated Pharmacy Applications V 2 PHRC 6920 Seminar 1 PHRE Elective 2 PHRC 7700 Integrated Care 4 PHRC 77XX APPE* 6 Total Second Year 33 (minimum)* Third Year—Summer/Fall/Winter Semesters Credits PHRC 7710 APPE: Internal Medicine* 6 PHRC 7720 APPE: Ambulatory Care* 6 PHRC 7730 APPE: Advanced Hospital* 6 PHRC 7740 APPE: Community Pharmacy* 6 PHRC 7750 APPE: Elective I* 6 PHRC 7760 APPE: Elective II* 6 PHRC 7770 APPE: Elective III* 6 PHRC 7801 Curricular Review I 1 PHRC 7802 Curricular Review II 1 PHRC 7803 Curricular Review III 2 Total Third Year 40 (minimum)* Total Curriculum 126 (minimum) *One APPE may be taken at the end of Year 2 and is not repeated in Year 3.