HPD Catalog 2024-2025

Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy—Advanced Standing Program 113 It is recommended that all students have their own personal transportation, due to the inconsistency of reliable public transportation. Final-year students may be required to return to their respective campuses at designated times for live instruction, board exam preparation, and assessment. Tuition: Advanced Standing Program All tuition and fees are subject to change by the board of trustees without notice. Annual tuition will be posted online at pharmacy.nova.edu /admissions/tuition-fees.html. Fees, Expenses, and Deposit: All Programs • Acceptance and Preregistration Deposit—$1,000. This deposit is required to reserve the accepted applicant’s place in the entering, first-year class. This deposit will be deducted from the tuition payment due on registration day, but is not refundable in the event of a withdrawal. It is due within three weeks of an applicant’s acceptance. • Pharmacy General Access Fee—$145 per annum. • NSU Student Services Fee—$1,800 per annum. • Certification Fee—$150 per certification. • Late Payment Fee—All tuition and fees not paid within 30 days after the start of the semester will incur a $100 late fee. • Silverman College of Pharmacy Fees and Expenses— Additional fees and expenses will be incurred for national certifications, pharmacy testing, and other college-approved activities. These fees and expenses are estimated at $1,000 over the course of the program. The first semester’s tuition and fees, less the nonrefundable, $1,000 deposit, are due on or before registration day. Tuition for each subsequent semester is due on or before the appropriate registration day. Students will not be permitted to register until their previous financial obligations have been met. The financial ability of applicants to complete their training at the college is important. Applicants should have specific plans for financing their professional education. This should include tuition, fees, iPad or personal computer, computer-related expenses, health insurance, books, printing, required equipment, and living and other miscellaneous expenses. Each student is required to carry adequate personal medical and hospital insurance. For more information about NSU’s required student health insurance, visit the website at nova.edu/bursar/health-insurance. International/Student Visa Information It is the applicant’s responsibility to contact the Office of International Affairs for information on immigration regulations and student visa requirements at • Nova Southeastern University Attention: Office of International Affairs 3300 S. University Drive Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328-2004 • (954) 262-7240 800-541-6682, ext. 27240 Fax: (954) 262-3846 Email: intl@nsu.nova.edu nova.edu/internationalaffairs Pharmacy Intern Licensure Upon matriculation, students are eligible to apply for pharmacy intern licensure. Licensure is a requirement for all NSU Pharm.D. students and for placement on pharmacy practice experiences. All students must have a valid U.S. Social Security number to apply for and receive the necessary pharmacy intern license(s). Without the appropriate intern license(s), a student cannot complete the curricular requirements. Internship hours must be completed within the guidelines of the Florida Board of Pharmacy, as set forth in the Rule, Chapter 64B16-26 and by the Board of Pharmacy in any state in which the student plans to be licensed. The directors of experiential education will provide assistance and guidance to students regarding pharmacy practice experiences and earning required hours. International students with questions regarding the validity of their visa for issuance of a U.S. Social Security number should contact the Office of International Affairs by phone at (954) 262-7240 or 800-541-6682, ext. 27240, or by email at intl@nova.edu. Graduation Requirements— Advanced Standing Graduation requirements for students in the advanced standing Pharm.D. program are the same as the entry-level Pharm.D. program, except advanced standing students must successfully complete all curricular requirements and assessments within five academic years.