NSU HPD Catalog 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine—Disaster and Emergency Management Program 103 organizational structure of the Incident Command System (ICS) and the National Incident Management System (NIMS) will be explored. Additional topics will include the principles of successful communication, the application of communication principles to all phases of the disaster cycle, mutual aid agreements, memoranda of understanding/agreement, the use of social media in disaster communications, and the role of the public information officer (PIO). Students will develop a communications annex plan as part of the course. (3 credit hours) DEM 6424—Community Disaster Preparedness This course will emphasize “disaster-resistant communities” and will provide information on preparing and developing partnerships within the community. Regardless of the nature of the incident, intentional or unintentional, emergency services personnel may be charged with enforcing public health orders, securing contaminated areas or health facilities, providing protection and support for the transportation and dispensing of assets from the national stockpiles, and controlling civil unrest. Resources may be overwhelmed and the ability to respond will depend on preparation and partnerships within the community. (3 credit hours) DEM 6404—Community Planning, Response, and Recovery for Families and Children This course is designed to address interdisciplinary roles in preparation and post-disaster community health among families and children. The course will focus on the impact of a disaster on health and family, dissemination of health information, and guides to family emergency planning. Topics will include best practice methods and evaluations of the impact of disaster on health and family, dissemination of health information, guides to family emergency planning, and avenues for public health and safety disciplines to interface with health management organizations. (3 credit hours) DEM 6410—Emergency Preparedness Public Policy and Law This course will address relevant state and federal statutes that affect emergency preparedness. Students will explore the legal implications of mitigation and preparedness efforts and will also become familiar with legal resources available for future reference and research. (3 credit hours) DEM 6440—Conflict Management in Times of Crisis This course addresses one of the core competencies required of leaders in times of disasters and emergencies—namely, conflict management. Conflict is inevitable in times of crisis, and this course addresses conflict styles, conflict management techniques, communication skills that contribute to effective conflict resolution, and how to bring a strategic approach to managing conflict to support disaster response and recovery. (3 credit hours) NSAM 5002—Terrorists and Terrorism: Theory and Practice* This course analyzes terrorism from a number of perspectives, including law enforcement (FBI), defense (DOD), and diplomatic (DOS) orientations in order to understand mitigation/prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery measures with regards to counterterrorism and antiterrorism. Individual (lone wolf) and group (Islamist) terrorist mindsets will be examined, as well as international and domestic domains. (3 credit hours) NSAM 5003—National Intelligence Collection and Analysis: Theory and Practice* This course examines the work of current and future managers in the federal intelligence and homeland security arenas. Students will be introduced to the various ways in which the social and behavioral sciences inform approaches to intelligence collection and analysis and how these scientific approaches can facilitate the goals of countering terrorism and hostile intelligence service. (3 credit hours) Public Health Concentration Electives (Note: This concentration will be facilitated in partnership with the Public Health Program at NSU’s Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine) DEM 6500—Epidemiology of Disasters This course will examine the fundamentals of epidemiology, including basic concepts in epidemiology concerning the distribution and determinants of disease frequency in human populations and their investigation. Using a case-based approach, students will use the basic principles and methods of epidemiological investigation to assess the short-term and long-term effects of disasters and to predict consequences of future disasters. This course will address topic areas including basic demography, measures of disease frequency, disease screening and surveillance, descriptive and analytical study design, and sources of error in investigations. (3 credit hours) DEM 6510—Public Health Issues in Disaster and Emergency Preparedness This course will explore the pervasive views about public health in the emergency and disaster prevention, response, and recovery environment. The course will emphasize the importance of the integration of public health in the development of effective emergency response contingencies for disasters. (3 credit hours) DEM 6141—Social Vulnerability: Implications in the Disaster Cycle This course will identify the at-risk and vulnerable populations and discuss how each of these groups is affected in times of disaster. In addition, the course will address the special needs and emergency response efforts that must be considered for each of these groups. (3 credit hours)