98 Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy Administration Michelle A. Clark, Ph.D. Dean Ana M. Castejon, Ph.D. Associate Dean, Graduate Programs Peter M. Gannett, Ph.D. Associate Dean, Research Robert McGory, M.S., Pharm.D. Associate Dean, Professional Program Goar Alvarez, B.S., Pharm.D. Assistant Dean, Pharmacy Services Karen Fiano, Pharm.D. Assistant Dean, Accreditation and Assessment Elizabeth Frenzel Shepherd, B.S., M.B.A., Pharm.D. Assistant Dean, Strategic Partnerships and Program Development Carla A. Luque, Pharm.D. Assistant Dean, Student Services Rochelle S. Nappi, Ed.D. Assistant Dean, Palm Beach Blanca I. Ortiz, Pharm.D. Assistant Dean, Puerto Rico Carsten Evans, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Executive Director, Continuing Education and Professional Affairs Benedict Albensi, Ph.D. Chair, Pharmaceutical Sciences Silvia E. Rabionet, Ed.D. Chair, Sociobehavioral and Administrative Pharmacy Jose A. Rey, Pharm.D., M.S. Interim Chair, Pharmacy Practice Vision Statement To be a preeminent college of pharmacy that cultivates leadership and innovation in education, practice, research, and service to advance the health and well-being of our communities Mission Statement To educate and develop inclusive leaders in the science and practice of pharmacy who will improve health through discovery, innovation, advocacy, and the delivery of optimal patient care Overview With the nation struggling to deliver high-quality, affordable health care, the pharmacist’s role has expanded rapidly from drug compounding and distribution to a patient-centered role. NSU’s Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy (Silverman College of Pharmacy) is educating its students in practices vital to meeting the challenges facing the profession and leading to improved health and wellness while reducing health care costs. The college admitted its first class in 1987, becoming the first college of pharmacy in South Florida. Since then, it has graduated more than 5,000 pharmacy professionals. The college offers the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree program, a Ph.D. or M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, and an M.S. in Pharmaceutical Affairs. In 2023, the college was approved to offer an en route Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Pharmacy Studies. The B.S. degree is awarded to Entry-Level Pharm.D. students after successful completion of the first two professional years in the Pharm.D. program. Students receive credit for the required prerequisite coursework, plus the first two entry-level professional years. Pharmacists are experts on drugs and therapeutic goals, their biological action and uses, formulation, adverse effects, and potential for drug interactions. Pharmacists must be able to think quickly and accurately in an organized manner, despite environmental distractions; be able to communicate effectively; and have interprofessional abilities sufficient to interact with others. They consider both the medication and the patient to ensure the patient has the right drug, in the right amount, for the right length of time, and with minimal adverse effects. The result is improved healthcare. Pharmacists practice in a variety of direct and indirect patient care settings, including, but not limited to, community pharmacies, hospitals, extended-care facilities, public health clinics, research and development, manufacturing, academia, and governmental and nongovernmental agencies. Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy Michelle A. Clark, Ph.D. Dean