Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine—Couple and Family Therapy Programs 93 DMFT 5120 Thinking Systems 3 DMFT 5311 Substance Abuse/Addictions and Critical Issues in Systems Theories 3 DMFT 5355 Introduction to Equine-Assisted Family Therapy 3 DMFT 5361 Developing a Private Practice in Coaching and Therapy 3 DMFT 5362 Solution-Focused Coaching 3 DMFT 5363 Advanced Equine-Assisted Family Therapy 3 DMFT 5365 Advanced Addictions Treatments 3 DMFT 5367 Working with Autism and ADHD: Applied Behavior Analysis and Systemic Thinking 3 DMFT 5410 Quantitative Research I 3 DMFT 6110 Systems Application in the Family Life Cycle of Aging 3 DMFT 6120 Relationships in Aging 3 DMFT 6130 Caregiving in the Family 3 DMFT 6140 Grief and Loss in Aging 3 DMFT 6321 Fundamentals of Teaching Marriage and Family Therapy 3 DMFT 6430 Qualitative Research I 3 DMFT 6550 International Perspectives in Counseling and Therapy 3 DMFT 6590 Advanced Bowen Family Systems Theory Seminar 3 DMFT 7360 Teaching Practicum 3 DMFT 5359 Medical Family Therapy I: Introduction to Medical Family Therapy 3 DMFT 5360 Medical Family Therapy II: Grief and Loss 3 See course schedule for a list of elective options, as elective courses may vary. Internal Practicums and Supervision D.M.F.T. students must also complete the clinical portfolio, annual reviews, and client contact and supervision hours requirements. Additionally, 1,000 clinical hours (minimum of 400 relational) and 200 supervised hours at the department’s approved site(s) are required to complete the program. Students must select at least one department-approved site for their external practicum courses and keep a copy of all completed and signed forms and hours during their entire program and for future needs. • Internal Practicum: Four terms of enrollment in internal clinical practicums at the Brief Therapy Institute, the program’s on-campus clinical facility, are required. Teams of students (maximum of six) meet weekly with a faculty supervisor to work with live, community-referred clients. Cases are supervised throughout the calendar year. Students may choose a flexible practicum during their fourth practicum if one is available. It is provided for students to see cases independently at the clinic. The faculty supervisor must approve this independent placement and students must continue to obtain supervision during this time. • Supervision: One course in the fundamentals of supervision of couple and family therapy clinicians is required. Additionally, students will register for two supervision practicums that offer them the opportunity to practice skills learned in that class. Students must be in good academic standing to be eligible to register for the course.