HPD Perspectives Magazine Summer/Fall 2019

44 | DR. PALLAVI PATEL COLLEGE OF HEALTH CARE SCIENCES EVENT PERSPECTIVES EVENT Perspectives Ethics Champions PA Fort Lauderdale Wins 2019 Ethics Bowl BY TERRY MORROW NELSON, PH.D., M.S., AND PAMELA JAFFEY, M.D., FCAP During NSU’s annual Health Professions Division Ethics Bowl, held on March 27, more than 120 students and faculty and staff members attended to compete or cheer on their team. Eleven teams competed for the coveted distinction of Ethics Bowl champion. Each round, two opposing teams were challenged with questions about medical scenarios with ethical dilemmas. A volley of responses ensued, followed by a simulated drum roll and the announcement of the match winner. In the end, the Physician Assistant—Fort Lauderdale team captured first place, while the Anesthesiology Assistant—Fort Lauderdale team came in second. Third place went to the students from the Physical Therapy—Fort Lauderdale program. Leading up to the event, students spent several months working with their team coaches, honing their ethical reasoning skills to prepare for the cases that might be presented to them. Fourteen faculty members served as judges alongside six moderators to make each of the four rounds fair and organized. Each year, an Ethics Bowl Spirit Award is given to the team(s) that bring the most supporters and team spirit. Because there was so much energy in the room this year, four teams were selected: Anesthesiology Assistant, Medical Sonography, Nursing, and Physician Assistant. o Terry Morrow Nelson is the assistant dean of student affairs at the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus, and Pamela Jaffey is an associate professor in the Physician Assistant Program—Fort Lauderdale. Left to right: Harvey Feldman, M.D., PA faculty member; Watfa Krayssa, PA-C, coach; PA class of 2020 students Alexandrea Rekas, Bonnie Chappell, Jessa Richards, Hannah Patterson, Amanda Lange, and Nicole Sultan; Lucia Lopez, PA-C, assistant coach; and Pamela Jaffey, M.D., PA faculty member