HPD Perspectives Magazine Summer/Fall 2019

NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY | 33 Two senior students in the education internship teach other students how to bag, mask, ventilate, and listen to breathing sounds accurately. SAMPLE INTERNSHIPS • veterinarian anesthesia • perfusion therapy • anesthesiologist assistant education • paramedic/EMT/fire rescue • electronic medical recordkeeping • respiratory therapy • intensive care • blood banks • STAT labs • anesthesia technician • post-anesthesia care unit • prep-operative unit • medical billing PERSONAL BENEFITS • confidence • experience speaking to groups • peer relationships • time management skills • organizational skills • pride in helping teach others PROFESSIONAL BENEFITS • demonstrated knowledge of a new organization/unit • identification of operational strengths and weaknesses • practice assessing, researching, and proposing practical solutions to an organization/unit’s needs • ability to outline a possible plan of improvement implementation • improved knowledge and skills for the benefit of patients and community