HPD Perspectives Magazine Summer/Fall 2019

NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY | 31 “I was especially happy to see the immediate impact our interventions had with a client as her inner volition and self-efficacy changed.” —Devir Galindo “I am thankful to have had the opportunity to work with someone and get to think about someone’s life holistically.” —Vicki Myan Lam “Case studies written on paper are not as useful as actually talking to individuals, going to their homes, understanding their personality and their story, and trying to figure out what it is that they need from us.” —anonymous student “This assignment enriched my learning experience and better prepared me as a future occupational therapist.” —Ashley Rodgers “I now have an understanding of what the OT’s role in hospice is.” —Erin Moseley “This case study allowed me to practice putting the client’s quality of life first rather than focusing on my emotions associated with the case.” —Celeste Romero “From lying on my living room floor and being shown how to get up, to going out in my garden for the first time alone, it was an awesome experience.” —Rose Seenarine (client) “The students were able to assess occupations my mother did in the past and incorporate those interests with her current ability in order for her to engage in meaningful activity.” —Helene Lieberman (client’s daughter) “It allowed us to understand the assessment and intervention process by carrying it out from beginning to end. Our case had an added element of a very interactive caregiver, which was another great learning experience.” —Sophia Brown “Compared to role-playing with my peers or a simulated case, these live case studies helped me gain confidence in my abilities to put my clinical reasoning to the test.” —Alexandra Frieder 1 2 4 6 8 10 3 5 7 9 Top 10 Soundbites from the Field